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  1. Hey Kari – we just found out that the National Visa Center lost our paperwork – 171-H is not in Addis. We can't get our travel dates confirmed until it is and we're hoping to leave 2 weeks from today. We are praying this will resolve quickly so we can book our tickets.Thanks for caring and praying!

  2. Hi Kari–Your post brought tears to my eyes and HOPE to my heart! Our 1st court date was a failure due to a POA problem too. Our 2nd court date is TOMORROW!!!! Please join with us in prayer for the release of Ava "B." It is time for her to come home! Blessings! Kara P.

  3. kari, our 3rd CD is june 16. Anna said pray for our letter to be written to NOT to require any next of kin present. also, the judge's heart for our case. thanks. i sent you a "happy" in your email:)

  4. Oh yes! I have so many memories of not passing court. The frustration, the feeling of helplessness. Although it was a year ago and we know have Zizi in our arms, the pain and frustration is still on the surface. International Adoption is a HARD, HARD process. I remember our phone conversations and tears. All of us who have experienced this process can all relate and can lift one another up through prayers and encouragement. The day we successfully passed court was one of the greatest of my life. After 3 years of waiting, we finally had our beautiful daughter! It was a glorious day! For those who are awaiting news, know you are in our thoughts and prayers.Auntie Laura Ducommun

  5. God's timing is never early and never late. It's always on time.I am not an adoptive mother but an adoptee. I know, without hesitation that God's perfect plan for my little life 39 years ago was to be placed with Linda and Luther Bruce and no one else. He knows who those waiting babies need to be with and His will shall be done. Hang in there and hang tight to HIM.Blessings,Laura P.Former schoolmate of Roger and Kari

  6. seriously!—– is this 3 posts in one day??? i just love you so much!! i can so relate to the feeling of not wanting to forget exactly how i felt when God answers those prayers! He truly holds every tear we cry! we had 4 court dates for levi and don't really even know why….praying we keep the big picture perspective always—-it is so not about us!love zoie's sweet 17 month pics!!

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