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  1. Are you sure you want to know why??? LOL I got my eye on that "Man up ….. " T shirt for my husband. I just know deep in my heart that the Lord has us in some sort of plan to reach out to the fatherless. ( Sigh ) I would like that to be adoption but he is not so sure. I think this shirt would be perfect for him. 🙂 Don't worry i am trusting the Lord and submitted to him. This would just be a fun gift and perfect for him to have before he leaves on a missions trip to Liberia at the end of February.

  2. I just bought the man up t-shirt and the black and blue for the women. I would love to win the pink for me:) And the other for my hubby since he is actually wearing his "man up" one! So awesome that you hit 400!! Praise God!

  3. Let's see, my first reason that I should win these shirts is that my husband and I have very…divergent…interests. He likes Jimi Hendrix. I like Josh Groban. (I like Jimi too, just not so much). He likes exercising. I like ice cream. He likes leading worship at church. I like singing in my shower. BUT, what we BOTH like is t-shirts and orphans. Clearly, we're not fancy people. 🙂 If we had these shirts we could remember that we have the important things in common!

  4. let's see…..i would love more shirts to help spread the word about how we should all be caring for the fatherless – for each other. being on a tight budget these days, as many are, all give aways are much appreciated!

  5. I'm so happy you hit the 400 shirts mark! I'm praying for the extra 100 (or 200!).

    Who wouldn't want a shirt to help spread orphan awareness?!?!?! I want it because I bought one for me and the kids and now dh could match us too! 😀

  6. I'm so glad! I hope my purchasing a few will aid the cause! I really want one just to spread the word in the school I work in and with the students here!

  7. My amazing husband is leaving on Feb.5th to go to India for a week to preach at a mission's conference for local pastors. This is his first missions trip since he was a teen and he is so excited about going and equipping pastor's in India with God's word. He will return on Feb 13 and his birthday is the next day! He is my Valentine' Day baby!! I would love to be able to give him a Simply Love tee shirt.

  8. My husband and I have just started raising funds for our adoption from Ethiopia! I would love for us each to have a shirt to show our love for Africa and for orphans! AND to give shoes and shirts to orphans in Ethiopia!

  9. I just discovered your website through AWAA and I am enjoying it! My husband and I are patiently (sometimes not so patiently…) waiting for our referral. We cannot wait to see our beautiful child(ren)'s face! While we wait, Simply Love tees will keep them close to our heart. We have been drawn by God to feel His love for the fatherless, and we would love to use the tees to share that vision with as many people as will listen to us! Thank you for your ministry! Keep lovin'!

    1. Aimee- welcome to my craziness:) I will keep you fully entertained & informed while you wait- we're all in this together!! Take a peek at my Man Up T shirts- perfect for your hubby! I'll have those available soon… have a big project to finish:)

  10. Congrats on meeting your goal! That is so exciting. I hope you also reach the 600 goal.

    I also have been voting for your Mommy blog. I hope you get #1.

    I would love to win this contest because I would love to be sporting one of these tees along side my gorgeous husband. He has been so supportive of our adoption and all the craziness that goes along with the paperwork, meetings, etc. He has never wavered and I am crazy about him for that and many other reasons. So, I think this would be a very fitting V-day gift.



  11. I want to win because my husband and I have started thinking and talking and researching and praying and thinking and talking about adopting from Burundi, and that makes me excited. And scared. And excited. …and so on.

  12. I want to win because my husband and I just bought each other the "simply love" shirts for valentine's day in honor of our 2 1/2 year old son we adopted from Ethiopia, but we would love shirts to give away to friends, to "spread the word".

  13. I would love to win these T-shirts as we have tentative travel dates (which we pray are confirmed this week) to be in Ethiopia over Valentine's Day. The shirts would be a sweet Valentine's gift. We would wear them proudly as a reminder of the love we have for our precious children and the FATHER in Heaven who unconditionally loves us!

  14. We live in a very small town where there is some negativity about foreign adoptions. The more of us spreading the awareness of the needs in Africa and what the difference is the better. I would wear my Tshirt proud and gladly lay my hubbys out for him to wear every day haha knowing and being able to share that achild in Africa has shoes because of it.

  15. I want to win because…One I love these shirts! Two My husband needs one and I would like one for my sister and three…I never win and I think this one is a good one:)

  16. Back for my day two entry 🙂 I told you I really want to win that prize! I will spare you the gushing again today about my husband, but I really want to win the shirt for him (and me too 🙂



  17. Congrats on meeting the 400!! AWESOME!! I would love to win the shirts! Why? Because I only bought one and I'd love to share the love with 2 more people! 🙂

  18. Reason i want to win? I LOVE this idea and how committed to this project you guys are. this t-shirt a constant reminder to be thinking about these children.

    It's just amazing to know because of a small thing we are doing as American consumerists is making a HUGE difference in a Child's life.

    I'd love to win this couple's set! 🙂

    I'll be back tomorrow!

  19. It only took me three days to come up with a good reason why I want to win… My parents have been a huge source of encouragment and a huge blessing both financially and prayerfully as we move forward in adoption. I would love to bless them with this gift to show a small measure of our appreciation for them!

  20. I have a ton of adoptions shirts (thats about all I wear! LOL) but out of all of them, my Simply Love one is my favorite. I bought the brown one, but would really like the other ladies one and would love to give my man the "Man up" one for valentines Day (and his birthday Feb 14th!)

    If we win, I promise to take it with us to ET when we go pick up our baby boy sometime this year and take a picture of us in the shirts for you! 😉

  21. pick me! pick me!!! we watched your video last night – truly an inspiration for our family as we work all of this "being picked" stuff out.

  22. Sounds like a fun giveaway! Count me in! I'd love the shirts so that I can answer people's questions about what they stand for. And the book? I'd probably peek at it myself but give it away to a family member…

  23. OK – you told me to! I have entered many a give-a-way and never won, so I thought I'd spare my intense heartbreak, but you did say I should, so here I am! Of course I'd love to win a shirt or two, and even a book or 2 million! Enter me and I'll split the shirt prize with my sister if I win (unless she already has one!). I guess I could give one to my hubby, but I'm not sure if he'd appreciate it as much! Thanks!

  24. We are number 23 on the wait list for a baby girl from Ethipia through AGCI. We have followed your blog since you got your referral…..we love your family and think not only your t-shirts are awesome, but the idea behind giving orphans to shoes is what tops it all! We can't afford to buy the shirts right now as we are in the middle of raising funds to travel, but ever since you announced the shirts, I have really wanted to wear on to show support for adoption and tell others about it. They are beautiful shirts and have such a wonderful meaning to our family. We would love to win the shirts because they would be our first adoption t-shirt and we want to show others that adoption is awesome and the need is great-Thanks you-amber

  25. Well let's see, we do share the same name so I should win by default! No seriously I am so excited about your T-shirt project and I put the Valentine's Badge on our blog. My husband and I share a overwhelming passion for orphans in Africa. We adopted our daughter from Ethiopia at age 4 in March 08 and just came home on 12/20 with our little 2/3 year old boy from Rwanda. I am ashamed to say though, that we do not own a single adoption or African orphan related T-shirt. Our funds are empty right now and so this Valentine's day we are not buying gifts. Our greatest gifts afterall are running around our house. Our children are miracles and they bond my husband and I together. I would love to be able to give him a shirt for Valentine's day and to wear our shirts together to show the world just what love can do!!!!!


  26. I tried to order one of these T-shirts (The Women's Black Simply Love -Adult Small) on the 25th of January via the blog "The Teabo Tribe" using Paypal. I haven't recieved my shirt or a confirmation but the money was withdrawn from my account according to Paypal. 🙁

    I LOVE this shirt and was REALLY hoping to wear it to our upcoming adoption event. Can I order a T-shirt from here?? 🙂

    I can be contacted at


  27. i love love love the mens tshirt in army green with the "man up…" on the back and the women's shirt "if you are a christian…" i just found your website and was wondering where you ordered your shirts from. we are in the process of adopting from rwanda and are looking for a tshirt fundraiser. thanks so much for your help. god bless you and your journey.

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