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  1. Heather, you are one of the most faithful people I know, and I am so glad you are having this glorious experience! You're a beautiful mother and role model and I know your daughter is waiting as anxiously for you.

  2. I have a very similar story as yours. And, yes, God does "speak" to His children! However, I'm wondering about your husband's reaction/response to this. Did God 'whisper' or reveal His plan to him as well? Thank you for sharing your story.

  3. Julie – although this revelation is completely mine, my husband and i talked about adoption as a possibility for us long before God told me we were on the right path. in 2006 i had my tubes tied and before the procedure my husband asked if i was sure i didn't want any more children, i told him i didn't want to be pregnant again, but would consider adopting. at that time he suggested the possiblity of an african american child. he has been 100% supportive from the beginning and wears his "crazy adoption" tshirt with pride!

  4. Heather, I know you are all on the right and faithful path. Your new daughter will be with you someday. Then you can have a huge and joyful celebration!!!

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