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  1. What a blessing to hear about families that rely on their Faith in God to build their families. We have seen God move mountains to build our family. We are always blest to read other's inspiring stories!!Thanks for sharing this with us!

  2. What a special story! You have a beautiful family! God is so good-Thanks for listening to the Lord's call. May you continue to be blessed. I sent you a little donation for you trip. I will also be praying for you.

  3. WOW!!! I can relate to your story more than you know! I went to Ethiopia in March of 2003 so I know EXACTLY what official and what Embassy worker you are talking about. I had to "work" with them too.

    I also had a referral before I left of two boys. 3 months before I left for Ethiopia there was a change, and I came home with a different boy and a girl who were both perfect for our family. (One of the original boys also had a mother with mental illness).

    I loved reading your story!! Isn't it amazing how God works everything out perfectly (even when it doesn't seem perfect at the time).

    God bless your family!!


  4. Pingback: ehliyet soruları
      1. What a small world! Yes, she accepted a volleyball scholarship to Fisk University back in 2012 and has lived in TN since then.

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