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  1. Ummm, 3 + 3 + 3 + ONE surprise Christmas gift= TEN kids. She posted it right after the holidays. Wowzers. But I agree, they ARE amazing. Her blog was THE ONE that convinced me God wanted us to adopt. We were praying about whether that was His will or not and I randomly landed on her blog where she said in the last line, “don’t ask God one more time if he wants you to adopt and realize he’s already chosen you.” And that was it. And here we are. And loving it.

  2. Well, here’s my 2 cents on the Weimers …

    Shelley and I had just decided to adopt when we stumbled upon their blog. It was the very weekend they arrived home from their first adoption. We watched their homecoming video and immediately decided that one was not enough. We had room for two.

    I’m pretty certain there are countless stories like ours and scores of children that now have forever families because of the Weimers’ courage. Great is their reward in Heaven.

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