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  1. You are so amazing! I think you are right, do it afraid!! Life is too short not to. I would love to go on a mission trip with you some day. we are in the process of waiting for a court date so I'm going to have to wait!! But some day I will hopefully "do it afraid" with you! Thanks for sharing your story, you are one amazing mama!!! 🙂 michele

  2. Last night I entered to win the missions trip to Ethiopia, then as I was getting ready for bed, the fear came. All the same things you were afraid of: leaving my husband and kids, a foreign country, getting sick or hurt. I didn't sleep well last night, my mind churning a mixture of excitement and fear. I know if I am chosen it will be a total God thing; so I am resting in Him that if He wants me to go, He will carry me and my family through it. Yes, I would be going in fear, but I would go. And my prayer is that in my weakness and fear, He would be shown strong.

    Thank you for the challenge to "Do it Afraid"!!

  3. I was such a fearful child and it took me so long to get over so it is something i could easily fall back into but I refuse to allow it to control my life anymore! It's an awesome thing to overcome those fears!!

  4. Great post. So true. Many times we really have to simply push past our fears without any guarantee of the outcome. But it's how we grow. Your baby is so sweet. Congratulations.

  5. Valerie – Loved your story. I'm going to Uganda with you and I think all of us would admit that a trip like this is met with some degree of "fear and trembling". How great to know that we won't be alone – we'll all be Doing It Afriad!

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