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  1. Love this post for more reasons than I can share on this blog… thank you for sharing your story. On a side note, I’m beginning to wonder if Zoe is the token name for so many adopted girls. I’ve always loved the name, actually when I was young I planned on having twin girls (w/ Jon Bon Jovi, lol)and naming them Chloe and Zoe. When we decided to adopt we decided on Zoiey in much part due to the meaning of the name and that our mama was choosing life for her sweet daughter. Of course we don’t know whether we will have a Zoiey or a Zeke (Ezekiel), but I had to chuckle when I read your daughter’s name.

  2. This is beautiful. I have never ceased to be amazed at the mysterious ways the Lord works out His perfect plans for our lives, even in the hard stuff. What a beautiful baby. What a precious Christmas gift! I’m wiping tears…

  3. Wow, what a beautiful story! You had such strong faith and didn’t even know why at the time. Your family is such an inspiration. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Totally in tears over here. Looking at God’s timing in retrospect is always amazing to see His plan knit together. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Wow…what an amazing and beautiful story! God is so good! Reading your story has touched my heart in a way I can’t even describe. I am in constant awe of how He works and moves in our lives! He makes all things beautiful. What a testimony of His love! Thank you for sharing your story!

  6. In 12/04 we received our first foster baby (4 months old)and within a month, we took in our second (6 weeks old). One was black, one was white, and they were our twins. At first, it seemed we would definitely be able to adopt the 4-month-old as his story was horrible. Six months later, we were given the opportunity to adopt the 6-week-old! Surely, at any time we’d hear that our first little guy could stay as well . . . 2 years later, and still fostering our #1, we welcomed a beautiful 5-day-old Haitian-American foster baby. Within six months, we were given the opportunity to adopt her! But 2 months before National Adoption Day, we had to give our little #1 back, after 33 months of fostering him. In my heart of hearts, I know God knew our #1 was going to go home, and sent our daughter to ease the pain of losing him. With 3 biological children and 2 gifts from heaven, our family is now complete – and we see our #1 twice a year! So, I suppose not all was lost. God is good!

  7. Oh, you inspire me to write out our story too …
    God seems to have a plan that only He really knows, but a blessing in Heaven and a blessing here on Earth is doubly blessed either way!
    Our Princess came to us when she was three weeks of age, she is now 9 – her hair remains a challenge 😉
    Love that I found your blog today!
    And how beautifully you write.

  8. To God be the Glory! Thank you for sharing such an amazing story! May God continue to reward you for your faith and commitment and continue to bless those around you with your testimony! Even though I have not experienced the joy of adoption, I have gained two beautiful little stepdaughters. I have struggled with dealing with their hair, and my sister sent me to your hair site. I have been blessed by your story and wish all of you the best!

  9. Thank You for sharing! i LOVE adoption stories! i love that you use the words FOREVER FAMILY. xo

  10. We adopted a sibling set almost 5 and a half years ago and named(renamed)our daughter Zoe for that exact reason! CHECK OUT MY BLOG

  11. I just want to thank my bloggy friends for supporting the guest adoption families who share here on my blog… their story inspires and encourages us to love BIG! This is such an amazing story and grateful for all the bows & headbands Vanilla Care & Chocolate Hair provided for my mission trip to Uganda!! We are all in this together!

  12. What a great and inspirational story. The great thing I have found about adoption is that every story is different. We too were very lucky to have a quick adoption. Although we met our birthmother about 3 weeks before our son was born, it was the longest 3 weeks of our lives. Congratulations on your family and wonderful story!

  13. OH MY! What a beautiful story, what beautiful people, what a beautiful child!!! I loved this!! Your story touched my heart. Just beautiful. SN:You are doing such a great job with her hair as well!!!!! I just love that you have allowed her to embrace her soft curls with an effervescent glow of pride & beauty! I tip my hat to you & your husband!

  14. This is a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing this with the world. You and your husband are wonderful parents and Zoe is blessed to have you!

  15. this just made my day. there are still folks in this world who are willing and capable of loving beyond the color barrier that is set before so many of us. Love is color blind!!! I’m just amazed, overwhelmed with joy and happiness and deeply deeply touch. I hope one day I may be in a position to become a foster to adopt parent. So many beautiful little people are born into this world with no hope, no one to love and care for them and then the Rory’s and Peggy’s of the world step forth. Love this story & Ms.Peggy thanks for sharing your story. 33 months is a long time to be with a child, but with out your love and nurturing at the tender young years of life # 1 may not have been well enough to continue on. You helped fortify and what a gift you gave to #1 big hugs♥♥♥

  16. Dear Rory, my heart goes out to you and Tim. I never knew this part of your story and it is God that brought it across my path today. I remember attending your shower and the joyous celebration. Praying for your dear family. ~ Jill

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