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  1. I am so grateful, for your hearts given in love, to these precious, precious people. May our God continue to be glorified in your lives!

  2. What a beautiful post. I, too, left a piece of my heart in Korah and I long to serve the people there in some way in the future. In the meantime, we do our best to support ministries like P61, Ordinary Hero and Hope for Korah. We are in the process of adopting from ET and look forward to visiting the community again during our travels. We sponsor a child through P61. I blogged about him recently here ( and couldn’t help but notice that you and I used the same words (adoption of the heart). Thank you for what you are doing in Korah. And if you happen to see my sweet boy, remind him how much he is loved (pics in blog post above).

  3. Crazy proud of your family for following God to right where he wants you! Your love and time with these 12 boys is no doubt a gift from God to these boys. Praying constantly for the Man Up Cave 🙂

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