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  1. Dovie, I LOVE this story!!  I love how God was bringing His plan together way back at the beginning of your senior year (and even before)!  And….I am SO cracking up at Kari – ““We are really hoping you join us this summer in Ethiopia as a nanny. Oh is that Lo Mein? Well we better head back to our table.”  Hahahahahaha – that is SO Kari!!

    Blessings to you on your Ethiopian adventure!!

  2. Dovie,

    I don’t know you, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Gibson family.  You must be pretty incredible to be hand-picked by Hannah girl to be the one to join them on this adventure.  Thanks for being faithful!  I am jealous you get to spend the summer with my BFF while I am still here in the states, but I love that you wrote your story for all of us.  I love your spirit!  Thanks for being willing to say “YES”!!

  3. To my adopted daughter Doveth!

    Alex gave you great advice – (all of you girls have long been mature beyond your years) waiting for “everything to be just right” before starting something God is calling you to do leaves little room for FAITH. One of the things I’ve been blessed to learn in my walk – if God is in it you ain’t gonna stop it! This is a great story, Dovie – Thanks for sharing!

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