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  1. Kari,

    The feelings are SO mutual! I still thank God for placing you in my life at the PERFECT time! He knew exactly what we needed…….and as much as we prayed, he knew we did not need to be in Ethiopia together at the same time. hee hee. I am still 'secretly' praying that the second time around He has plans for us to be there together. 🙂

    Meeting Zoie was one of the best experiences of my life. I will never forget her beautiful eyes looking up at me as I whispered into her ear, that her mommy loved her so much and was on her way! I kissed every part of her for you and filled her with your love.

    I am craving another NYC trip, maybe in a few more months when we both begin labor pains again, we can go hold hands and cupcakes for the second time around. Oh, and maybe a stop at that little VIP place where we felt like true celebs!

    I love you and your family dearly!


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