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  1. What an amazing trip Kari! I want to know what I can do to make your visions in Pastor’s orphanage come true? The yellow paint, toddler beds, lights, etc.?
    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and your heart!

    1. Thank you Jenn!!!!!!!! I'm praying about what to do to make this happen.

      I will need my bloggy friends to help me:)


      Stay tuned…

  2. Greetings in the name of our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
    I am Nehru Naik, I am native of small and backward village NVK THANDA,
    Manadal, Nalagonda District, telagana st .India. I am
    born in a very poor family, my parents were daily wage labours. I
    belong to Schedule Tribe community which is most neglected community
    in the society.

    Voice calling me ” I NEED YOU MY SON”, I looked here and there but no
    one was there. I opened the BIBLE, God spoke to me through the
    scriptures, Nahum :1:15. According the Scripture I decided to search
    the Gospel to the unreached areas of our society. And started
    preaching the gospel in the year 1992 till now preached 54 villages of
    our surroundings after taking Bible Training in collage and
    established achurch, where saints are worshiping regularly.

    One day while mediating the God’s word, God spoken with me by the
    Scripture James 1:27 to care of orphan children. Hence, we have
    started small orphanage with 13.orphans by providing food, shelter,
    education.We request you to kindly pray for these children as they need of
    school books, bags & fees. We love you to invite you to come to our
    children home whenever you visit India.

    With much love &

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