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  1. Of course I'd love to win this 🙂 Junk Posse is the best…very talented and a very kind lady 🙂

    when we wear something that spurs conversation.. it's a simple way to open the door to the world of adoption and orphans…

    thanks for the contest 🙂

  2. Love the necklace, love the message. I want the necklace not only for its unique beauty but also because I want to SHARE with others about the purpose behind the message!

  3. I would LOVE to win this necklace so I can help spread the word about orphans! I purchased one of your t-shirts, and I have been able to tell so many people about adoption…especially in AFrica!! You have such a kind heart Kari!!

  4. WOW! What a cool necklace with a great message. I would love to win it too as I love fun jewelry and one where it opens doors to chat about one of my favorite subjects is just a bonus!

    Blessings Kari!

  5. I love the necklace, but love the message. After being in Haiti and visiting the orphanges my heart breaks for the children. They just want to be loved, cared for, security and taught they do have a God planned purpose for their life. My heart has been marked forever!!

  6. Everytime I go on a date I wear my hopechest tshirt. I think that when I wear it it opens doors to discuss the great path that God has our family on. I know that if I won this necklace I would also use it as a tool to let people know and become aware of the important cuses for orphans. Orphans are in my heart and I love to share about them when ever I can.

  7. Love this! I absolutely loved the video Tom posted of the girls receiving their necklaces. What a reminder of hope and love! Awesome!

  8. it is a beautiful necklace and a beautiful way to share about adoption and the needs of children around the world that so often get overlooked.

  9. As a mama with a deep, unbearable passion for the orphan, I love the symbolism of this necklace. I love my sweet friend, Tracy, & all she does and I love the passion of your sweet family!

  10. I would LOVE to win this! I LOVE to wear ANYTHING that will spur conversation @ the Lord and orphans/orphan care. In fact I don't own a t-shirt that isn't @ one or the other. And, I don't even think I've got a piece of jewelry that isn't @ one or the other.


  11. I would like to win this necklace so I can give it away! I would like to keep the "breaking the chain" going in a circle to keep the awareness going and going!

    We have 2 children adopted from the Democratic Republic of Congo and are doing everything we know to do to raise awareness of the plight of orphans in this world.

    Thank you!

  12. I would like this necklace to wear and help spread the word on this ugly thing called sex trafficking. I want to help people become aware and do something…I want to pray for this precious girls daily and have a reminder to do so.

  13. I would love to win this necklace so when my friends and acquaintances see me wear it, a door will be open to raise awareness of the awful abuse and exploitation so many orphans are subject to. Our family is planning to adopt and more and more people I meet are asking questions about "why adoption" and eyes and ears are being opened about the needs and how to meet them. This necklace is a wonderful tool for that!

  14. I would LOVE to win this CRAZY give-away and sport this FANTASTIC necklace to promote awareness. I have an adoption and orphan care ministry and this is a great conversation starter! I also hold quarterly free adoption & foster care information seminars and what a great way to open the seminar and talk about the necklace and how we can stop exploitation of orphaned children. God bless you, Kari! (Kristin – USA Simply Love)

  15. I've been eye-ing this necklace for a couple of weeks now! I'd love to win it, just because I love telling those around me about the message behind what I'm wearing. (Like my Simply Love t-shirt!)

    Love the video, too!

  16. Beautiful! Mom is passionate about adoption and the message behind the necklace is powerful and Mom would be blessed and honored to wear it.

  17. I love everything this necklace represents so much…I want it close to my heart to remind me to remind me what is close to God's heart!

  18. I would love to wear this necklace because each and every one of the 147+ million orphans matters to God…and it would be a conversation starter to tell others that these children are literally DYING to call them MOM!

    Thanks for doing this – you ROCK! My Simply Love t-shirt is a total eye catcher.

  19. This is so beautiful! I loved the video where they were presenting the necklaces to the young mothers in Russia. This necklace is a powerful way to share hope!

  20. I would to have this necklace and be able to give it to my biggest fan, my mom. She has supported me in every way imaginable and it breaks my heart that there are people in this world who lack that support and love that I am so lucky to have.

    Because of my passions, my mom has recently gotten involved through me and my campaigns, I know she would love to have a necklace to share her testimony of being adopted at the age of 9 and encourage other to act accordingly to James 1:27!

  21. My heart goes out to the young women who are forced into sex trafficking. Would wear this necklace as a reminder to pray for those daily that haven’t been rescued from that life.

  22. Not only the necklace but the purpose behind Hopechest is on to remind all of us that we are orphans waiting to be with our Father. Why not take the chance and find a place in all our hearts to help the orphans who might never know a real family.

  23. I would love to have a necklace like this that will cause more awareness and conversations about adoptions. Our family is set to adopt a son in May. We LOVE adoption!

  24. I would love to rock this necklace out!!! Anything to spread the word!!! Whoa hooooo!

    Love you Chica!

  25. I have a very sweet friend in mind that I would like to give this necklace too if I win. She is a quite a social butterfly and would share the cause behind it with everyone, I am sure!

  26. I big time puffy heart love this necklace!! I would love to win it so that I can be reminded every time I see it to pray for the orphans, their birth families, and their future forever families!!!

  27. Ok ~ Been reading for awhile now again and you still never cease to amaze me. It is great to see/hear you and Roger “live”. Praying for your next adoption (not a funny on April 1st:P) and not that 2 black girls in our little town doesn’t give me enough opportunity ~ I would love to add this little gem to my neck. You rock!

  28. I would love to win this necklace as a reminder of my little boy–still in Ethiopia. This will be the first Mother's Day since he has been in my life.

  29. Oh I LOVE this necklace!!!! This Friday marks TWO YEARS that we have tried to adopt. We switched to international in December and just learned about our beautiful daughter last month. I cannot WAIT to bring her home. I have prayed for her for so long.

    I have an ET hairbow giveaway on my blog as well. 🙂

  30. Hey, girl! Keep on helping these precious children! Many blessings to you! Love th necklace – I think it is my time to win!

  31. Leaving another comment:) I love your crazy giveaways!!!! It is such a great way to get the word out about all the ways we can help the orphans!

  32. I love the idea of getting the adoption message out. There are so many beautiful children, without anyone to love and protect them, we need more families opening their hearts and homes to them.

  33. I would like to win b/c what ever can get someone questioning and me talking about orphans/adoption etc is AWESOME! If someone says "oh pretty necklace, what's it say?" they won't know what hit them with my answer!!

  34. Kari, I love the necklace! What a great idea! So many families with so much love to give open their hearts to children from around the country and around the world. The precious little girl we plucked out of her crib in Russia is now a beautiful, strong, and joyful 13 year old who loves her Auntie Kiki! Such a blessing!

    Love, love, love,
    Sue Bee

  35. Love the message of the jewelry but in the middle of trying to adopt so I won't be buying anything and my husband isn't allowed to either until we get that waiting child home.

  36. Oh, how I LOVE this necklace! As a 'mommy in waiting' for her babies from ET, I would sport this necklace every day and tell everyone I know what it means!


  37. Wow, this is beautiful! I came over from the Poppy Dip blog and I am so glad she sent me here. I wish I could order one of these.

    I am passionate about orphans ( a momma to a child that was one) and I would love a necklace like this.

    I would love to win!

  38. I just love it because it will get people asking questions and when people ask questions I can tell them all about adoption and how Christ calls all Christians to care for the fatherless!!!!

  39. Would love to give it to my momma. She’s helped me sooooo much with the new baby and Silas. And she’s a fun and crazy lady!!

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