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  1. Yay for a wonderful year! :)Happy new year to you all! We wish you all the best!Love,Cali & DietrichPS where are the new pics of your beautiful face girl??? 🙂

  2. I want to get in on the New Year fun! Love you guys and blessings to your family in the year to come. I can't imagine with this last year what God has in store for all of us next year!! Can't wait to find out!Love, Theresa

  3. Can someone please explain to me why Amy can't seem to get a picture of herself by her comments?? He-He 🙂 See, I have one!Love, T

  4. What's a poor girl gotta do to get some help with such things, huh Theresa? I hope you put that down as one of your resolutions! Hahahaha. I'm sure you would have mercy on me kari. :). With love but no picture,Cali

  5. happy new year Kari!!! you have been a real encourager along our adoption journey…it is hard to believe that 2009 will be our year and then i can be a YG granny too!!

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