My heart is sad. Somehow I missed the heartbreaking news that on March 17, we lost a hero in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
“If I was asked to name my Top 5 favorite books, without a doubt There Is No Me Without You by Melissa Fay Green would be on that list. It is an amazing, amazing book about orphans in Ethiopia. A lot of the book focuses on Haregewoin Teferra, a woman who, after the death of her husband, decides to stop thinking of her own unhappiness and begins taking in children orphaned by AIDS. After filling her home with these kids, she branches out to running 2 orphanages, including places for children with HIV, which many orphanages at the time when she began a few years ago, before HIV medication was widely available in ET, would not do. Melissa just posted on her blog the following; “I have learned this morning that our dear friend Mrs. Haregewoin Teferra has died. She felt sick, called for a friend, and died in her bed. I have no more details at this time. I will post here as I learn more.” I am so sad to hear of this, as Haregewoin is such an amazing woman and was making HUGE changes in Ethiopia.”
Praying for ALL her children!!
(thanks Nikki)
I know…very tragic…We miss you guys!!! I can't wait for Zoie to meet Micah…maybe love at first sight! 😉
Oh this is so sad!!!