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  1. Beautiful daughter!!
    Why do I cry every time I read your blogs or articles? 🙁 You are such a great writer and I wish that I had your talent.
    I know that you have seen this in me for over 45 years, I never give up on a dream that I believe God has given me. It doesn’t matter how many times I’m disappointed.
    Now that I’ve reached almost 74 years, it’s even more fun and exciting to watch God open doors for the dreams that I have in serving marriages and families. Over the past few days, God has given me one giant answer to what I’ve been “crying out to Him” for over three years. It all came together this past week and now I’m super motivated to jump into this new ministry of writing a new book called, “My Healthy Family!!” You hubby opened this door. Love, Dad

    1. Dad, thanks for reading my blog (you have for 8 years!) and my loudest cheerleader! I write because you made me believe I could! Thank you for always pointing me to prayer! You have taught me that for the past 47 years! I love you and appreciate you never giving up on reminding me to dream big and pray even bigger! Your Daughter

  2. Oh Kari, I’m so sorry! The transparency you show in sharing your disappointment is a blessing. We can’t help but be flesh; we are!! Even Jesus got frustrated (“how long must I put up with you”…) and sad (“Jesus wept”). I think we feel the need to float above disappointment or believe we should not feel it if we truly are followers of Christ, as we KNOW God is in charge and He works all things together for the good. This truth, as you shared, is what lifts us out of our sadness and disappointment. It may not be the way we want or hope for, but it is always best and we can keep our hope alive in THAT, knowing that INDEED He IS working all things together for the good!! As we do the start up of Something Beautiful Ethiopia I wrestle with some of these same feelings. I need to let my will die and accept it is ALL HIS and WHATEVER He calls me to do, I must do it to His glory leaving the results to Him, disappointing or not, HE IS SOVEREIGN! Whew, what a relief!
    This was a “no” for you, but not necessarily a “never” just a “not now”. 🙂 Many blessings and bring on the JOY 🙂 (and thanks again for sharing!) 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Darlene for your cheers & understanding! I’m constantly battling how I want to respond in difficulties and disappointments (they seem to sneak up all the time) but the things God has done for me weigh far above the “no’s” like you said! He has been so faithful and constant in my life! Thank you for sharing (a blogger’s favorite thing:) and praying for Something Beautiful Ethiopia to be a huge blessing! Please stop by here on Fridays-weekend and post your links & projects! It’s your personal shout-out! xoxo

  3. Wow! How grateful I am to have stumbled into your blog. Yesterday, I learned that I did not get a teaching position I desperately wanted. I love the school, the teachers and the scholars. My heart is broken. My husband is out of town so I didn’t have a shoulder to cry on (not true, I did get my dogs’ shoulders wet). I truly believe that all things happen for a reason and I am grateful for all my blessings. In fact, I keep singing, “this little light of mine, I’m going to let in shine…” in my snuffling, trying not to cry, voice. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is THANK YOU! I needed to read this today. I am grateful.

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