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  1. Wow!!!!!! Amazing!!!! It looks like a very pro Web page for "I'm thinking of adopting and wow, I can come to your site and get it all!!!!!"

    Love, Dad

  2. What a beautiful family and an AMAZING blog! Sorry it has taken me some time to get back to you – Thanksgiving and our youngest sons upcoming surgery (tomorrow) has taken my time. You can certainly add me to your blog roll. Have a blessed holiday and it is nice to "meet" you.


  3. It really isn't Christmas until you've watched (or partied with) the Grinch. My oldest loves it, too. This party is a GREAT idea. Let me know if you spot Grinch-gear on sale anywhere!

    1. Hi Merica:)

      We found all our T shirts on, but the stuffed doll Grinch's we found at Hallmark several years ago. I have also seen them online… amazon or ebay! Have a Grinchy day:)

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