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  1. If I was at least anywhere close….I'd be there to help you!! I think England is a little too far to come from!

    I can be praying for you though and I shall pray that God blesses your time together with your friends and gives you so much energy!!

    Did you say SCONES as in the delicious little cakes that originated from England? MMmmmm… I LOVE those too and I'd gladly make a batch for you if I was there!!! Maybe next Valentine!!

  2. Way to go girl! I am going to put your blog on my orphan awareness website and I hope that will help generate some more traffic for you. You couldn't do all of this alone but what you are doing provides opportunities for the body of Christ to pitch in and help orphans too. Many people want to help but don't know how…you provide the how! You also have a Mighty God who is pitching in every step of the way! 🙂

  3. It really was the coolest thing ever to be a part of. Rolling and stuffing and HAND WRITING was the least we could do to help in this amazing cause. Next year, maybe we can mail merge the pay pall addresses into some sort of printable labels. We have a whole year to get the kinks worked out! So proud of you, Kari. Thanks for letting me be a small part of it.

  4. So amazingly cool!!!! Hey, if it helps you, you don't need to get our 2 out and to us by Valentine's day. Seriously! It's totally fine. Sure wish I could come and help! You know I would!

    Love you girl!!!


  5. Love the pictures of the process!! I am so thankful for you! I wish I could be apart of the help. I am wearing my t-shirt today and can't wait to read the book!!



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