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  1. Kari,I have loved reading your posts lately. Not that I don't always love reading them but I can tell God is speaking to your heart right now through them and it makes me smile :)Love you lots!Kim

  2. Wow- that is amazing that you got to go there! I so badly wanted to, but I heard somewhere that they don't allow visitors- DARN!!! The documentary is so, so amazing. I actually bought 2 copies and am giving the 2nd to a family I know from Ethiopia here in the city I live in- they are looking for opportunities to help their country and I highly recommend this one! They have such an amazing program going on, at least from what I see in the video.

  3. You are amazing Kari, your words go through me and touch my heart, when I can see and feel yours in your writing. Thank you for sharing…..and we all know you are one of the best at "showing love". Thank you for that!!Andrea

  4. We so wanted to visit the Fistula hospital but didn't get the opportunity. Your experience sounds like one that will stay with you always. A very eloquent post, Kari. Touching 9and oh-so-convicting) for a busy mom to read it!I read the book, then watched the movie and passed the book on to anyone who was willing to read it. many hugs,apryl

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