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  1. Hey Kari!! Hannah here (Tom's assistant)– I actually have only read the first chapter sampler of Priceless (don't judge me! ha.) But that first chapter was awesome — really pulls you into the story right out of the gate. I so can't wait to read the next 41 chapters… maybe while Tom's in South Africa. You're wonderful. The HopeChest staff loves you!


  2. Kari,

    Thank you for being such a tireless advocate for the orphaned and vulnerable! Thank you for being a voice for the thousands that are enslaved in the sex trafficking industry, and for being willing to take a stand!

    Together we can make a difference!

    Thank you!!

  3. One of my friends sent this book to me! I organized an awareness campaign and fundraiser for International Justice Mission to help stop trafficking. Can we please hang out on one of my time off and talk about our passion? PS. I'm hoping to go with you in Feb!

  4. Kari,

    I really enjoyed Priceless as well…I too read it quickly. Finished it on a plane from Denver to Syracuse. Tom tells an all to true story of pain and suffering, but does so in a way that allows the reader to enjoy the journey.

    I'm thankful that people like you and Tom have a heart to care for the vulnerable and orphaned.

    Thanks for all you do.


  5. LOVED it!!!! I had shut my eyes to this issue for a long time for fear of feeling it and not feeling like I had a way to get involved. Priceless stopped me from running and made me look the girls straight into their painfilled eyes. Now, I HAVE to do something! I am loving working with Tom and HopeChest to find ways that ALL of us CAN make a difference!!!


  6. My husband started this book the other night and told me he was completely sucked in after the first 2 pages and wanted to stay up all night reading it. I'm making myself finish the book I'm reading now before I start it though. I can't wait!

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