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  1. Yay! That's my shirt your wearing! Woohooo! How exciting to come to your blog today and see that! Made me smile! Mind if I "steal" this pic and post it in a post on my blog?! So happy these shirts could bless others in Haiti! Have a blessed day Kari!

  2. I just bought one of your shirts for my husband for Fathers Day. He loves it-thank you! I am SO curious about your trip! My husband and I are trying to communicate with Katie's "people" because we are interested in moving there to help her! Oh how I wish I was going with. I will gladly send you a Sole Hope t-shirt to wear. 🙂

    (*Sole Hope has designed a shoe for widows in Africa to make at very minimal cost. They are closed toed and will help keep worms from getting in their bodies as well as keep their feet safe. We train the widows to make the shoes for the children and to sell, as well as for themselves.)

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