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  1. A co-worker just told me about this movie this morning. If I can find a babysitter, we will be going to see it. I've been told to bring lots of tissues.

  2. I posted this clip on my facebook page. I had friend get very upset about and said that she would never see it. I was a little surprised. I guess everyone has a different take on the move.

  3. I am an adoptive mom and I just watched this movie. I actually did not appreciate it!! I love adoption and orphan care and I am concerned that although this movie is about adoption, I can't see how it could be a "pro-adoption" movie in terms of encouraging others to adopt! I think it would instill unrealistic fear into protential adoptive parents who would be afraid that this tug-of-war would happen to them. Yes, it does talk about sacrificial love, and that was touching, but I am looking at it in terms of advancing the cause of adoption, and I just don't get that from this movie!

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