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  1. She's so DELICIOUS! I just want to bite her little arms their so chubby! Why aren't you here so we can have coffee and eat your famous scones?:0(Miss youK

  2. Kari, Beautiful, beautiful! We miss you too. I think your family needs to come out West for a little VanWetten/Gibson reunion! What do you think? Start saving those air miles…Love, Theresa

  3. Kari,OMG! These pics are gorgeous! Thanks for keeping up with us. I am sorry I haven't been able to check in on your more often, especially after your accident. We are still getting used to be being parents 🙂 Hope you are feeling much better. You are loved!

  4. Merry ET Christmas! Zoie is ALWAYS precious, but she is ESPECIALLY beautiful in her ET garb!!! I would love to get a dress just like this for Lydia. I'll have to call and see if you remember where you found it. Praying that Michael is feeling better and that you are healing too!Love you! – Sherry S. 🙂

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