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  1. My husband and I are in the process of adopting a 0-2 yr old, either gender, child from Ethiopia. With the costs of adoption adding up, it's been hard to think about spending more money on a missions trip at this time. That said, I am itching to get over to Ethiopia. We have sponsored a child, Dawit, through Project 61 and we are so excited to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of the Yates and all those involved with this great project.

  2. My husband and I adopted our son from Ethiopia and brought him home in December. Being in Ethiopia it broke our hearts. We love what God is doing with project 61 and we are sponsoring a child in Korah to attend school. We love Ethiopia and would love to go back. I want my husband to be able to go back next year. The logistics of money and leaving me with 4 kids is getting in the way 🙂

    I posted on my blog about the give a way

    I posted on my facebook

    I put the give a way button on my blog

    I know I was supposed to pick 2 but I did them all 🙂

  3. I've done it all! I love you and all your craziness! I want to go to Ethiopia bc I want to see my babies!!! :)…..and about a million other reasons. But if I win I'm going to nominate someone else. 🙂

  4. Done and done! Your oh-so-cute giveaway button on on my blog loud and proud, and I gave a FB shout out, too.

    Why do I want to go to Ethiopia? That's easy! Who wouldn't??!!

  5. Posting on blog and facebook and put your button up…

    I would so LOVE to go to just be able to go and give back to my son's country for the wonderful gift I have been given.

  6. I did a blog post and facebook post and have your button on my blog. 🙂 I want to go because I love Ethiopia. I want to go back on a non-adoption trip where I can fully engage the experience without the stress of adding a new little one. 🙂 And I have already named it and claimed it, right? Right.

  7. DONE! Put one of you buttons on my blog, and gave a shout out on FB. Would love to go to Ethiopia because we are currently adopting a baby from there, never been and would love the opportunity to give back.

  8. I just recently took a missions trip to Swaziland Africa, my dream come true. I know a big part of my heart is in Africa. Ever since I have come home I dream of those faces and trying to get back asap. I Pray God will provide me a way back.

  9. Hey Girl!! I am entering for my sister!! I would love to go with you but we are already traveling to pick up our kiddos! This is an amazing thing you are doing! To be able to give someone this oppportunity is lifechanging! These 2 lucky people will be so blessed!

  10. I posted on FB and I put the button on my blog! I already have a missions trip planned for next year, so if I win I am going to give the trip to a friend who is itching to get back over there!

  11. posted the button

    sorry don't even have a FB!! yet 🙂

    have purchased several shirts… but these make great Christmas gifts 🙂

    I'd LOVE for my girls to go on a mission trip to ET… they've been to get their little brother and would LOVE to go back 🙂

    blessings to you Kari

  12. I have always had a yearning in my heart to adopt a child from a third world country. Ethiopia (not Cambodia 😉 ) was one of the countries of my interest. If I could win a missions trip to Ethiopia, that would be such a blessing to me. I could get my foot in the door and start the process! Plus I would love to see all the dirty little brown eyed faces!

    I posted your message on my facebook to all my friends and I just shared with you why I would love to win the trip. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do so!

  13. Love it. Badge is on the blog. Blog post is coming. Posted on FB and will do it again. I want to go to Ethiopia because I love the people, the country, and it would be amazing to share the love of Jesus while hanging with you!

  14. I did the blog post and FB shout out already. I also sent the link to some people whom I thought would be perfect for it. I will keep helping promote though!

    I am really excited for you and whomever wins.

  15. I already have a link on my blog under "Today's Links I like", but I am adding a badge. We are adopting from ET, will be there in Nov (linking up with Sammy & Alicia & Bisrat among others! : )) and again, in Dec or Jan. So although the timing is not good for me to go again on your trip, I will enter a friend for the mission trip if I win. Such a great giveaway! AND– I'LL WEAR YOUR DARN CUTE SHIRT EVERYWHERE!!!! : )

  16. Hey!!! I saw this on Merica's page and had to enter!! My daughter Karis has the hugest heart in the world for all orphans…so I enter that I might give the trip to her. She would represent you so well…and she would represent the love of Jesus even better!! Thank-you…and God bless you for loving the children!!!!

  17. Added a button to my blog, did a FB post. Eager to help – hard to dream of being able to go in this economy. Hope I win — would be a dream-come-true! I love babies, especially little chocolate ones 🙂

  18. Posting your awesome giveaway on Facebook & sharing with you why I'd love to go back!

    I would love to return to Ethiopia to see the people and country where my daughter was born. And since we're starting the adoption process again next year I will have at least two family ties to Ethiopia soon… how awesome to experience their birth country so I can share it with them as they grow. Or, just as cool would be to share that opportunity with someone else who hasn't experienced it!

  19. post and share. i am so going to ethiopia because God has put it on my heart and even given me the dream (literally). i am adopted and have many family and friends who have adopted from ethiopia. we love adoption and we love children and we love the LORD. after all adoption is His idea. what an honor to be a part of it with Him!

  20. Awesome! I posted on FB, but I am not savvy on how to post a button but really wanted to! I'll keep trying! When I was only 11 years old I fell in love with the kids in Ethiopia, I sponsored one….at that age I did not know it required sending money..LOL! It has been heavy on my heart ever since that time. It would be so amazing to me to minister to these children. To hold them and love them!!! What a blessing!

  21. I added your button. I started nursing school a year ago with the American dream in the back of my head…and then God opened my eyes to the great need around the world and started changing my heart. Ever since then, I have LONGED to just GO and serve, but being in school [not to mention the money issue] makes that tough. I would LOVE the opportunity to travel to Africa to have my eyes opened even more! I am also living with a family that is in the process of bringing home a baby boy from Ethiopia, so Ethiopia is dear to my heart <3

  22. Hey Kari. I posted on my FB and added your widget to our blog!! I would LOVE to go on a missions trip to Ethiopia because I love being able to be used as God's hands and feet all around the world serving him and loving on kiddos. Plus I might be able to make a pit stop and see our precious Kevin on the way there 🙂 Praying for you girl!! Godbless!!

  23. Kari,

    just when I think you are "CRAZY" AMAZING you do something even more AMAZING!!!! Is there no end to your "CRAZINESS"???? Praying so hard your 2nd mission round is as successful as the first round!! I'm sure it will be!!


    Sherrie xoxox

  24. posted to FB — have heard so much about the trip from my friend who wants to go back sooooooo badly… she misses a couple children in particular, and I have been so blessed and challenged by what she has shared! <3

  25. I posted on Facebook. My mom went on the Uganda and Ethiopia 2010 missions trip in July, and wants to go back like crazy!!!! If I win, I will send my mom back to Ethiopia! She fell in love with those people and I want her to see them again as soon as possible!

  26. I would like to enter my mom to go on a trip to Ethiopia. She went in 2008 on an adoption trip with my sister. She talks frequently about wanting to go back.

    I also posted to fb.

  27. That's my sister up there (Faith.) I want to enter my mom to win the trip, too. She went with me to Ethiopia when I adopted my daughter, and she fell in love with the people and the country. I think she would be really blessed to go and share the love of Jesus with the people of Ethiopia.

    I also posted on FB and will put up a blog post.

  28. Well, my friend, I guess I qualified myself the day you launched the crazy giveaway. Amazingly, I figured out how to post your button on my blog before you offered the code. And I blogged too. I am sooooo thrilled at how this going….beyond your wildest imagination!

  29. I have a daughter who has already been to Uganda and Ethiopia on a missions trip in July. The children there have stolen her heart.Her children and her husband would love to see her go back. If i win i would love to be able to make that happen.

  30. I would like to go to Ethiopia because I feel God is calling me to do bigger and better things in my life. I would like to show Gods love in a country that is hurting for just about everything. This oportunity will change my life, and hopefully make me a stronger and better follower of Jesus Christ.

  31. I don't have a website or blog, so I am going to do the FB post and tell you why I would LOVE to go on this trip. Since following Kristi Johnson's adoption of Lucy Lane, my eyes have been opened to the plight of orphans. We are sponsoring two children in different countries, but I feel God tugging my heart to do more. I have never been on a mission trip, but I would love to go. My sister is going to Sierra Leone in January, and I have been so happy for her and also jealous! I followed Ordinary Hero's trip to Ethiopia on Kelly's blog, and I would truly appreciate this chance of a lifetime. This is the BEST giveaway ever!!!

  32. I think this is the most awesome giveaway ever! It will certainly be lifechanging! I'm posting on my facebook as well as e-mailing friends about it and hoping and praying that I can be a part. I purchased a t-shirt yesterday and already proudly wear my Simply Love shirt from Valentine's Day often. I would love to have the opportunity to serve the orphans of Africa with your team. I've felt burdened for Korah since seeing the video from the Ordinary Hero blog about a month ago. I can't get the faces out of my mind. I pray for these children daily and would love to be able to hug them and serve them. Thank you for doing this giveway. While I hope to be the blessed one to go, I know that God has the perfect person picked out to join your team!

  33. I lack a blog and a website so I'll post on FB and tell you why I would love to go to Ethiopia. I've been reading adoption blogs, participating in adoption fundraiser and learning about Africa for the last few years. I really feel that God is asking me to do more, but I don't know where to start. Perhaps this could be my starting point.

  34. this is so exciting! i made a shout out on my facebook page, and i also emailed you why i would love to be included in this trip to help serve and be God's hand extended to His precious children.

  35. Kari, I truly admire and look up to you. You are what I want to be, really! My heart bleeds for orphans. Oh my goodness, it bleeds. I would love to go on the Ethiopian Mission trip, I really would. Mainly because I know of the need there. When we were there last year, my heart just cried out for those children. And of course, because our baby girl is from Ethiopia. That country and it's children will always have a special place in our hearts.

    I FB'd you too!

  36. I'd so love to go! My sister just adopted twins from Ethiopia and I'd love to go make an impact on the orphans still waiting.

  37. I'm posting on Twitter and Facebook as well!

    I'd love to return to Ethiopia to know and feel the culture my daughter came from even more. I want to serve the people of Ethiopia and be more connected to them as we raise our daughter (and future second Ethiopian daughter!).

  38. This is an awesome giveaway! My husband and I are on furlough right now from S. Africa where we work with orphans. I always love it when people can go and see with their own eyes what's happening around the world.

  39. This is such an awesome idea. I am going to Sierra Leone in January with The Raining Season. I am entering this for my big sis who would love to go to Africa.

    Thank you for all that you do to help these precious children of God.

    I will post on FB.

    Blessings to you from Nashville!!

  40. I got back 3 months ago from Ethiopia with the group Ordinary Hero….and feel like I've left apart of myself there….I'm searching and trusting that the Lord knows the future he has for me(in Ethiopia)….

    Soooooo, when I saw your blog post……….I had to at least "try" and then let God do the rest! 🙂

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