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  1. Hi Kari,

    I just saw the Priceless + coffee give away. I posted both of them on my FB page and did a shout out on FB. Hopefully it will touch someone's heart like it has mine. Since I figured out how to do that I even put the missions trip give away button on there too!!! I'm learning all these cool buttons!! Take care and talk to you soon. May God continue to bless you each and every day!! You are an inspiration to all of us!

  2. Oh my goodness! That sounds so amazing! Sharing all your love with these beautiful orphans! What hard work! 😉

  3. 3 years ago I was able to go on a mission trip to Axum, Ethiopia. We worked in an orphanage and helped the widows by buying their grain that they gleaned from the fields. On the way back home, we stopped in Addis Ababa. I would so love to go back!

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