Mommy DIY – Back To School
Zoie loves her new preschool! (whew!) She had her first take home project and it was so much fun to help her cut and glue her favorite shapes and pictures. She made a “Who Am I” craft and proudly carried to her classroom. Going back to school can be really stressful for our kids, even our big kids! I wanted to share some fun and helpful tips to help ease the butterflies.
Q- What is your favorite back to school tip for moms? What do you love about getting your kids ready for school?
(10 Tips article)
- If your child is starting school for the first time, a little role-playing can help them handle their fears. The key is to let them be the teacher, while you play the role of the student; as they “teach” you a thing or two, ask them how they feel about starting school, and find out what concerns they may have. Answering questions from a position of authority — even if it’s just pretend — may make children more confident about voicing their fears.
- Establish a routine for yourself. Do you know what you need to do to get everyone out of the house on time? Does making lunch the night before really save you time in the morning? If you don’t know, try doing it for a few days before school starts. It’s better to discover that you need more time in the mornings before you actually need more time in the mornings.
- Pencil in some down time after school. It’s easy to think “they’re just kids,” but school is their job right now, and a dealing with circle time and new teachers and homework can be as stressful for them as back-to-back meetings, a new boss, and your overflowing email inbox are for you. Let them blow off steam before settling down to do homework, especially during that first week back.
Back To School Cupcakes:
These cupcakes earn top marks for sweetening even the most reluctant student’s return to school.
- Yummy Ingredients-
- Yellow, green, and white frosting
- Cupcakes
- Red Skittles or M&M’s
- Small plastic bag
- Rubber band or twist tie
- Chocolate-covered graham crackers
- White Good & Plenty candies
- Step by Step-
Cover the cupcakes with yellow frosting and allow them to sit for an hour before decorating. Dab each red Skittle or M&M with a bit of green frosting for the apple’s leaf, then set them aside.
- Put a tablespoon or two of white frosting into a small plastic bag for piping. Cut a very small hole in a corner of the bag, twist the top of the bag closed, and secure it with a rubber band or twist tie. Piping the frosting gently out of the hole, write messages on the chocolate-covered graham crackers. Leave space at the bottom of the cookie, where it’ll be stuck into the cupcake.
- Cut a groove in the cupcake’s frosting with a knife, then fit a blackboard into the groove. Add one Skittle or M&M apple and a piece of Good & Plenty chalk, as shown.
Backpack Tags:
Even the littlest students typically bring a backpack to school, and this craft will let everyone know who it belongs to!
- Take a photo of each child the first day and attach it to a piece of white cardstock. Write their name somewhere on the card as well.
- Have children decorate their card with crayons, markers, stickers, etc.
- When they are finished, laminate or place between sheets of Con-Tact paper.
- Punch a hole in the top and attach to their backpacks with ribbon.
Who Am I?:
This is a fun “get to know each other” craft.
- Give each child a paper plate (or shape cut out like a body.)
- Have them decorate the paper plate to look like their face using a variety of materials: yarn, fabric, googly eyes, markers, construction paper, etc.
- Next, have children dip their hands in paint and place handprints on piece of white paper. When dry, cut out around handprints.
- Have a simple clue sheet that you help students fill out, asking such questions as: What color are your eyes? What color is your hair? Are you a girl or boy? What do you like to do?
- Glue face, handprints, and questionnaire on large sheet of construction paper.
- Have other children try to guess who’s picture is who – or display for parents to see if they can find their child’s!