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  1. Mom made this for us all the time when we were little…or at least, it seemed like she made it a lot. What great memories!

  2. I love it! We just got several inches of snow last night and school is out today. One of the many reasons I love being a teacher! We will have to try this!

  3. My sister Marki has a pic on her facebook page of her girls eating "yellow snow"…snow with a bit of apple juice poured on top – ha! I told her she needs to tell her girls not to eat it in the wild (-:

  4. Hi there – I found your blog through BlogFrog, came to visit, and discovered you mentioned us in your post – thanks! Welcome to BlogFrog and if you ever have any questions, please let us know. Love the snow ice cream recipe. I live in Colorado so we get a lot of that 🙂

  5. Pingback: Fun with snow |
  6. Love "snow cream!" We only get to make it once or twice a year. I use sweetened condensed milk and vanilla. And we always overeat!

  7. im fixing to make some right now that is cool how yall have adopted my family has adopted 2children from africa(ps i love that africa tee)

  8. I’m so glad I found this recipe. Today I had a snow day and it brought back memories of making snow ice cream with my friend when we were four or so. She moved a while ago and I completely forgot about it. Thank you so much, it brings back happy memories.

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