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  1. I read about these dresses a few months ago and think it's ingenious!! I emailed Karen last week wondering if something like this would work for her trip in November…funny that it's coming up again 🙂

    Thanks for the reminder and link-I see some pillowcases in my future!


  2. My sewing class is make dresses for a orphange in kenya. I was hoping i could use some of your photos on my bolg to get the ladies ecited about the project. Would that be ok? -chuch

  3. My church has adopted an orphanage in Kenya. Shipping items are very expensive. Do you have any suggestions you can share on a better method to get products to Kenya?

  4. Hi I live in the UK and love sewing. I would so love to make some little dresses for Africa but wonder if it is possible with postage, packing etc.

    Please advise if I can help sew.


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