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  1. When my girls (now 6 and 9) talk about their birth moms, I first tell them how much they loved them. (They were both adopted from the foster care system.) As they have gotten older we have had some really good discussions about prayer. At the time of their adoptions, neither mom knew Jesus so we pray that someone is telling them about Him. I want my girls to always feel loved and not abandoned by their birth moms but to also feel compassion for them.

    1. Amy, I completely agree … I want Zoie to feel big compassion for her birthmother! She is the ultimate hero in our life! However, this is a process, like you mentioned. As Zoie grows up, all I can offer her is truth & wisdom & understanding as her mom. I pray as Zoie grows in the Lord, she will have a heart of compassion for others and her birth story!! It was mind-blowing watching her connect all over the world, this past year. Especially loving big at the orphanages we served. I had no idea how she would react, but she was a super star. I know it gave her heart healing & understanding .. even at 5 years old. Thank you for sharing your heart with us!

  2. Wow! God has been bringing this topic up to me so much lately. After struggling DAILY with attachment issues with two awesome kids I have to say that Kathryn hit the nail on the head! Let them grieve and grieve with them!!! What we are good at is rejoicing in their life, celebrating our part in that but any widow will tell you that to have any healing grief must occur. And that avoiding talking about the loss of a loved one either through death or through separation does not help! Widows share -remember my list spouse with me. Let me talk about him on the good days and the bad days. Don’t always make me “move on.” Let me grieve SO I can more on. This has been a huge source of healing for our family. Thanks for sharing and for listening.

    1. Michelle, thank you so much for sharing! I honestly don’t think often about the “grieving” that our children go through at any stage. Zoie was only 6 months old when she became our family and it’s very possible she will grieve someday the loss of her birthmother. I have experienced loss and my dad (Gary Smalley) always reminded me to be real, feel whatever I was feeling, and never give up! I love your comment “Don’t always make me move on” I so appreciate you sharing your thoughtful, wise “mom” words!

  3. Hi All, love this question. I have a sibling group of 3 whom I adopted from foster care and 3 biological children. When this statement comes up, it has been a great opportunity for me to share their birth stories and how much each mommy loves them. Just like each of my homemade children, they each have a story that is all their own. I reflect on learning of the pending birth of my now 5 yr old, though their was no adoption plan but a plan of reunification. I knew in my heart this baby was to be my daughter. I didn’t get to meet her until she was 13 months old. I was filled with excitement, uncertainty and even a sprinkle of fear, no different then reading a positive pregnancy test. The oldest of the 3 is now 9 and wants to be baptized! Though I’ve been baptized, this is something we are going to do together. When the atmosphere is light, they love to hear how I labored 20+ years for their arrivals!

    1. DeAnn, thank you so much for sharing. I think it’s pretty amazing that every adoption has an unique story, especially that you labored 20+ years for their arrivals!!! I love that! I appreciate your encouraging others to be open and honest to your adopted child about their adoption. Sounds like you have a precious, well-adapted family!

  4. We too have heard that from our daughter (adopted at birth from Kenya). I read a neat idea years ago. This person suggested that when your child says, “I wish I was born in your tummy.” to respond with, “Actually, I wish you were too.” I ache like you ache. It’s the idea of the child not feeling like he/she is the only one that has experienced a “loss.” Just food for thought.

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