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  1. Hi Kari, My daughter and I are going to apply for the mission trip to Ethiopia 2012. I was curious, we sponsor 2 children in Ethiopia, one through the Children’s HopeChest and the other through Compassion. They’re both located in the Kombolocha area, will we be visting that area???? I didn’t get to visit our sponsor child when we went to Ethiopia in 2010 for the adoption of our little girl, so I was hoping we might get to see both of them this time…I’m sending the headbands and bows out tomorrow…Take care and God Bless!!!

  2. Hi Kari-
    I have been dreaming of going on a mission trip since I graduated high school. I am hesitant only b/c I’m such a worrier. I know God is wanting to go and minister to orphans and I keep thinking He will lay the perfect trip on my lap and I’ll just know that is the perfect trip for me. But, honestly I am starting to think if I will just commit, any trip I choose will be perfect for me and God will speak to me, showing me ways to help.

  3. Hi Kari,

    I would love to go on a mission trip and nearly took the plunge and registered for one this summer. Then the doubting came. My husband and I are wanting to try to start a biological family (we also hope to adopt) and my worry is that when I return I will not at all be in the mindset to have a biological child soon after. This would be devestating to my husband. For now, I am trusting in the Lord and letting him guide how and when we grow our family.

    Thanks for sharing your blog!

  4. I’m so excited reading your hearts for missions!!

    April- we’ll talk all that wonderful stuff soon:) I will start a FB group in July for our 2012 trip! xoxo

    Rachel- I PRAY it’s one of the trips I will lead:)) Keep praying!

    Sarah, I encourage you to pray about going on a mission trip and also allowing God’s timing to be perfect in your lives!!!

  5. This is Jennifer from the Haiti Home of Hope Orphanage in Pignon, Haiti. I am so excited to have Kari and Steve heading up this group. There is so much going on here, everyone has something to offer that we need. Whether it is painting a wall, mentoring an adolescent, or rocking a baby, there is something you can do here. Let God use you, and watch and see how he changes you!

  6. I was in Ethiopia last summer with a team from Mocha Club, and there is no place I feel more at home that Addis. And have been praying for a way to go back there in 2012. Is your trip for 2012, already full?

  7. Kari,

    Just realized that I didnt put my name in my previous comment.

    I was in Ethiopia last summer with a team from Mocha Club, and there is no place I feel more at home that Addis. And have been praying for a way to go back there in 2012. Is your trip for 2012, already full?

  8. Hi! I just got home, yesterday, from a mission trip with Visiting Orphans in Chenzhou, China, and I feel the calling to go love the little orphans in other places, I am curious about the Africa trip you have going. I’m in school so I can’t go to Haiti. I’m hoping my hubby or mom will come with me, how many spots do you have open still? Can I apply with out paying the deposit? I need to pray about this trip, but on my China trip I didn’t decide to go until last minute so I Was stressed getting everything done in time, so I just wanted to see if I could get part of the process started. Thank you Katie

  9. hi Kari,
    I am very interested in the trip to Haiti, but I am only 16. Ever since I heard about the earthquake, I felt the need to go to Haiti to do whatever God has for me to do. I tried to join the red cross, but because of my age and lack of a chapperone I couldn’t go. Is it possible for me to join you on this trip to Haiti, without an adult with me? thanks -Hope

  10. Hello! I have just stumbled upon your blog and I am thanking God for pointing me your direction. I feel called with all of my being to go on a mission trip and would love to join you guys in Ethiopia in June. However, I am expecting my first child in March and want to wait to travel until fall/winter 2012. Do you guys have any trips at all planned for this time period? If not, can you point me in the right direction of a good mission trip organization? Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!
    Lindsey Christmas

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