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  1. i woke up to your blog this morning. seriously! Wes had just gotten up. It was dark in the room, and I was laying in bed. I picked up my iphone and saw that you had posted something new. I had just woken up from a dream where I was meeting our son for the first time (apparently they were going to bring Elli next, but I wasn't asleep long enough for that!). And then I read through your beautifully wonderful story. I cried through the whole thing. How does God write our stories SO well? It is truly amazing. And the way He has written yours and Zoie's and your entire families. Beautiful.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this story!! However, I must confess that I might be a little partial since I had the privilege of experiencing this along side you as the entire thing unfolded! God certainly does work in strange and mysterious ways … and I'll throw in a 'AMAZING' for good measure! Thank you for sharing this!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing your story. We have little information on our son as well and I would LOVE to put some pieces together someday in Addis 🙂

  4. Kari-

    I love this!! Thank you for sharing and how incredibly special that it's documented for your sweet little girl. This whole story, my friend, was no mistake. God knew from the beginning of time that your hearts would forever be connected to Korah for many reasons. I am absolutely overwhelmed at His goodness!! Praise Him!

    See you soon!


  5. All I can say is…Wow!! As soon as I read the name Kore, I wondered…could it possibly be? Could Kari's daughter be from Korah? Isn't it just like our God to piece it all together in such a crazy awesome way!?

    Beautiful…just beautiful…

  6. Wow! what an awesome touching story. My wife and I adopted a little boy from Ethiopia now 2 1/2 years ago. Reading your search for your little one's birth mother flooded back all of the emotions about meeting our son's birth father. What an overwhelming and touching story! Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. To think we were shopping (missing out) when all that was going on. I am so glad you shared. It is so neat to re-live the story in print!

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