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  1. Very exciting! God is AWESOME!!! And I will have to remember that "2 cupcake defense" next time I get pulled over. LOL!!!

  2. Love it! Can't wait to hear!

    Many of us can spread the word by doing a shout out on our blogs too.

    Blessings and keep dreaming…


  3. PTL that you are stepping out. Stepping out of your comfort zone! Stepping out in Faith!! God is faithful! He WILL provide! I can not wait to hear the details of your dreams. And I pray as YOU step out you will inspire others to walk in your path!!! GOD BLESS you Kari! Love you!!!

  4. I *never* find time to read blogs like I used to–you've piqued my curiousity and I must find time tomorrow (or is it today?) to come back. Nevertheless, I'm totally excited for you and your big crazy dreams!

  5. Girl I can not wait for you to share your dream tomorrow. As one of the ones who has been sworn to secrecy I can tell you God is going to reward your faithfulness!! Big Dreams!!! Go for it!!! Praying hard with you and for the one who wins the big giveaway. God is going to change their life 🙂 EEEK!!! You can count on me to help spread the word once you get it up online. Love you friend – don't forget let's do lunch I need to chat about my dream 🙂

  6. I love that you were drunk in the Spirit and that police officer pulled you over! WAY to worship! Kari….you have a dream, from start to finish. You should not doubt for one moment. When I have raised money in the past, I did not have one dream, vision, etc. and it was so scary! But, Kari, God has been so sweet to you…He gave you an actual IDEA in a dream! He will complete what He has started. He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end girlfriend. God out in confidence and boldness.

  7. You are so much fun! People can get swallowed up by the vastness of the need. YOU inspire people to act and live life fully in the midst of it all. THANK YOU!

    I have spent time today blogging and posting and sharing your passion for this missions trip….what a delight. (And my husband will be thrilled with the Man Up shirt I secretly ordered for him….and IF we win the trip – he can stay with the kids and proudly wear that shirt…while I jet off to love on orphans!~)

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