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  1. Well, I think I should get it because I vote for your blog everyday!!!!! Really – it would be great to hang in my office since I work in orphan ministry. It would also be great to have a blanket in honor of my two adopted children!!!!!! Love and pray for orphans!

  2. I am adopted. I love adoption stories and love supporting families who are adopting! My dear friends Bob and Cheri are adopting for the first time and from Ethiopia. I would give the blanket to them in honor and rememberance of all families adopting and all children waiting for their forever families!

  3. Well, I followed this crafty friend of yours to her etsy site because I really love this idea! Dosen's gotcha day is coming up on January 23, and what better way to remember it every single day??!! I think I've waited to late for her to make one for us by then, but I'll need one for India, too, soon. Better go ahead and make my double order!

  4. I would love, love, love to purchase one of these blankies for my little guy still waiting in ET, but need to save the money to go get him. So, to win one would be awesome!

  5. I love, love this blanket…….That would be a great gift to bring our baby girl home in from Ethiopia….Count me in on the contest….

  6. I would love this blanket for Daniel or the new little girl that will be joining us! We were fingerprinted last week. Just waiting for the approval and then we are ready to submit our dossier.

  7. My baby daughter, Naomi Bethlehem, will be arriving home on Jan. 16th and this blanket would be a beautiful way to celebrate her heritage!

  8. Yay!! I love Jamey's blankets! We're in the process of adopting a 2.5yo little boy from Ethiopia, so this would be one of many great ways to keep his birth culture alive in our family.

  9. I love winning stuff, that's why I love ebay so much – ha!! I would love to win this blanket for Megin. The boys might want one too, but she would love it!!

    Miss you, my friend! Hope to talk to you soon. See you in Feb – yay!!!

  10. Oh how wonderful! I NEED this blanket!!

    We have 3 sons and just changed from a long attempt at domestic adoption to adopting from Ethiopia to finally bring our daughter home to us. We are through with *most* of our paperwork and very close to the waiting for a match. I would love to have this blankey to help me remember her every day while we wait!

  11. We have a little princess coming home from Ethiopia sometime this year…and I'd love to wrap her in this blanket!

  12. I'd love to have a blanket like this for our little one from ET, and I'd use it as a beautiful tool to share about adoption with others! 🙂

  13. We will travel to Ethiopia early in February to bring home our little ones Jeremiah and Rachel. They aren't used to the cold and snow, so this beautiful blanket would be perfect for them!

  14. Ohhhhhh, I want to win this blanket because we live in a rent house, which = I couldn't paint Micah's room. This would add some fun color to his walls!! As well, add a little Ethiopia-pride to his room!!

  15. We are in the process of adopting 2 Ethiopian beauties and would LOVE to be able to wrap them up and snuggle them in one of these great blankets! I bet we could even squeeze our 2 biological kids in too…like a burrito full of fabulous kiddos!!!

  16. I'd love to snuggle with our hopefully really soon to meet little Ethiopian miracle in this blanket! What a fun giveaway!

  17. I love this blanket!!!! I saw it on etsy before but there were none left!!! I love reading your blog! I remember when we were researching ethiopia for our adoption I happened upon your family on youtube! It was the video of you and your family in the hotel room waiting for your referral call! I have been hooked ever since!You inspired us greatly! Thank you for all of your great info on here!PICK ME!!!!!;)

  18. Now this is a cool way to celebrate your birthday!!! Not to mention the blankets are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Well, I'm entering to win a beautiful blanket to wrap up our precious new little one in. By faith we are believing that we will be cuddling our new addition some time this year:)

  20. It was two weeks ago today that I met my sweet Leah Tigist in Ethiopia. Bringing her home to sub-zero temperatures in Minnesota has required LOTS of warm, fuzzy blankets…and I can only imagine how fantastic she would look in one of these! Bless you, bless Zoie, and blessings to your family 🙂

  21. We were one of the families that got caught in the Imagine Adoption Bankruptcy in July. We had to race to Africa as our son was not being fed once the bankruptcy occured, but since we were travelling almost 2 months early we were unable to stay for very long and almost immediately had to turn around and come home. We got our son home safe, which was the most important thing, but we never had a chance to do any shoppping for anything for the nursery. I had a list of items I wanted to buy, but we did not have time to purchase a single one. I would love the blanket to have something Ethiopian themed in his nursery. Thanks for listening to my rambles. 🙂

  22. I need this blanket to snuggle my 4 new big kids up in so they'll feel like they're getting a big hug from their homeland!! Love it!! :))

  23. My baby girl would look so pretty with these colors wrapped around her. I'm sure of it. Even though I haven't seen her yet. And even though I don't know if she'll even look good in red, since her mommy really can't wear red without looking like a ghost. Which I guess wont be a problem with baby girl, but she'd still look super cute!!!!

  24. I would love to wrap my Ethiopian princess up in this beautiful blanket. This is so kind of you to give this wonderful gift away!! I love reading your blog!!

  25. My husband and I are in the process of adopting our FIRST BABY from Ethiopia and continue to be so excited by all of the people out here in bloggie land that have also experienced the joy of adoption. We feel so energized from those that have followed God's call. I would LOVE to have this blanket for our first little baby!!!

  26. wow!! my daughter ashley will love this blankie, she even love to huggle this one all night long:)

    please let me win this 🙂

    silverlilacc at hotmail dot com

  27. Would love to have the Rwandan blanket to snuggle with as we go through the paper pregnancy to adopt from Rwanda. 🙂

  28. I love this blankie and all the blankies at Mama Enat! It would be perfect to wrap around our little one after we get our referral! WooHoo what an awesome giveaway! Thanks Kari 🙂

  29. I think this is a superb idea. I donate to an orphanage in my country so this could be used to give to them. Am sure the kids would love it.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. I just want to say that I'm so touched by everyone's response to these blankets. I love making them and I would love to make one for all of you!! Thanks so much for the love folks.



  31. I love all of your fabulous ideas and web-site. It rocks. I would love a quilt for my Sarah–just home from Ethiopia in September. I have 100 good wishes quilts for my 2 children from China and have not been able to come up with funds or a person to make a special quilt for Sarah.Heck I can't even get my blog caught up.But love facebook-Alison Spotts

  32. I would actually love to give this to my mom who's currently trying to finalize an adoption but it's going really rocky and all the legalities ESH!



  33. We would love this quilt for Gavin!! He loves soft things to sleep with and the more things in his bed, the better–think Transtition Home with lots of little boys sharing the same bunk!! What a great idea. I really need to learn to sew!

  34. i wanted to make one of these for my ethiopian's son birthday in june…but winning one would be great:)…he will love it!!

  35. YES PLEASE!!! I would so LOVE to give an Ethiopia blanket to Ezana for a late Ganna (Ethiopian Christmas) gift!!! Pick me! Pick me! hahahaha

    Love you girl!!! Sorry it's been so long since I've commented on here…it's a pain on the ipod touch, so usually i just read but don't say much. 🙂



  36. We're leaving soon to pick up our two new Children in Ethiopia! I'd love to wrap them up in one of these blankets!

  37. So, if we comment numerous times do we have a better chance of winning??? Huh? Huh? Huh? LOLOL 🙂

  38. What a great idea! This blanket would be the perfect cuddle blanket for the vulnerable children I will be working with when I go back to Zambia. The kids have always enjoyed snuggling up on the “reading rug” and reading through our children’s picture Bible.

  39. Oh my, I'd love to win this blanket for my daughter that should be coming home from China next month! Her sister got so many blankets when she first came home, but somehow third children seem to get overlooked in that department. Of course I'd probably end up having to buy my other two a China blanket too, but that's okay!

  40. I would love to win the blanket because it is my dream to one day adopt a baby from Ethiopia 🙂

    Thank you.

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