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  1. Hahahahaha – I totally thought your Uganda story was going to be about Elisa and the Ambien!! 🙂 🙂 Loved this – thanks, Kiki!!

    1. Haha Yes!!! Valerie do you remember when Kari Hamilton ran in the room (in Uganda) screaming “Kari Baxtor!!!!” I honestly thought someone was bit by a snake 🙂 Thanks for listening to the new podcast!

  2. Thanks again Kari for another fun half hour! I have read each and every one of the Baxter Series and had no idea you and your name spelling was the inspiration for Kari Baxter! What a great way to pay tribute to such an amazing woman like you!
    I also loved the Rod Stuart story and the reminder of how God longs to show His favor upon us! He is so very faithful and I can’t wait until the next time we get to “share” coffee again

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