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  1. My friend had this very problem and she started putting those footy jammies on her daughter backwards. Worked like a charm. i wish I would have thought of that. My youngest did that alot too!! Good Times!!!!

    1. Jen, what a great idea- one I can do tonight. You should see her today for nap- I have a pull up on (no velcro) a waterproof panty, a onesie and pants. Lets see if this works now with jammies on backwards. love it!

      1. Kari! You make me laugh! I am just trying to imagine what your princess looks like! 🙂 Can we say "baby straight-pants"?!

    1. Rebecca…. ahhhh just bought a pac today. That came to me last night:)) Nooo velcro!! We will win this diaper war!! whooohoooo

      Thanks for your idea.

  2. My sons likes to do that with his cloth diapers occasionally, drives me nuts!

    Have you tried maybe taking some masking tape and taping around her belly on the diaper (not tight) so she won't be able to pull the velcro? Or maybe Pull Ups just while she sleeps?

  3. I second the backwards idea- had to do it myself with my princess. Oh, and consider yourself luck that she is JUST taking things off. My daughter made "poopy", took it off and smeared it all over herself, her bed and her room…like 3 different times. And that's not even the worst of what she did- but I don't want to ruin anyone's breakfast! 😉

    1. Dear Lord- not the poopy smear. ugh I wanted to get help from my bloggy moms BEFORE that gross nightmare starts. She's a morning pooper, so far safe on that one:)) I was told pooopy smearing kiddos are actually gifted-brilliant little buggers- high IQs. hee heee I'm not making that up. xoxo

    1. I know I know- got the princess potty this weekend & mommy is grieving slowly that this diaper season is coming to an end. She POOPED 5 seconds after I set the darn thing up. I was cheering & clapping… Lenka it was hilarious.

      Potty Training 101 starting in our home!!

  4. We have this problem with Garrett. (Even though he is 8, his mental capacity is like an 18 month old so he's still in diapers) Here is what we do…Diaper on with duct tape across the tabs or sometimes, all the way around. We also use the footy PJ's and put duct tape across the top of the zipper and a strip of tape around each upper arm so he can't pull his arm into the pj's and mess with his diaper that way. We do this EVERY night…for years! It works…we want to have stock in Duck Tape brand!

    1. Dori- oh my gosh, I had no idea. You are the professional diaper magic worker!! Soooo far every idea makes sense!! I'll keep you posted:)

  5. You can put the footie pajamas on correctly but then put a t-shirt over the top, it is hard for them to reach in to unzip the jammies.

    Also, you can put strips of duct tape over the diaper strips, most kids can't undo that…

    Good luck!

    1. Very good idea- why didn't I think of that. Diaper on backwards. We need to sell this idea:)) lol We could all split up the profits!!!


  6. Yep, my almost-3-year old from Ethiopia has this issue as well, and we've been putting his sleeper on backwards for about 6 months now- the only issue I have is naptime, I get lazy and don't want to change him into a sleeper- I paid for that 2 weeks ago when he climbed out of his crib, onto his dresser and pooped, and smeared it- no fun! Thanks for the "high iq" comment- gives me hope 🙂

  7. There are some great ideas should this ever happen to us!! Oh I hope not!! But Lydia has just started taking off all her clothes… so maybe that will be next!!

    We just bought a new potty for Lydia yesterday and tried her with it today just for fun, (she's almost 23 months but she is very curious about this new adventure) and guess what…. she also pooped just moments after sitting on it for the first time!!! But she shocked herself and stood up alarmed by what was now there!!! Oh so cute!! And of course there were her three older brothers and sister cheering her on!!!

  8. I don't have any advice but just wanted to say thanks for a good laugh. Seriously chuckling to myself here in my computer corner…and yes I know, it will come back to jinxed me big time!

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