Mommy + Daughter Getaway
I was so thrilled to take my two daughters on a getaway to Sanibel, FL a week after I returned home from Africa. I missed them so much and it was a great way to reconnect, especially with my teenager. I will admit, going to Sanibel in late August was not the smartest coolest thing to do. The heat and humidity was pretty brutal, but floating in the pool can give the illusion of coolness. We played on the beach in the morning and late afternoon, Zoie really loved running after the waves.
My favorite thing to do was walk up and down the beach looking for sea shells. Hannah and I had a fun contest looking for the most unique looking shells. She won hands down. One night, I took the girls down to the ocean to watch the sunset. Zoie sat in a low tide pool and played for an hour while Hannah and I sat and just talked. It was one of those mommy moments I will never forget. The three of us watched the pinkest sunset God has
ever made. I’m very thankful that my daughters love being with me and continue to make me laugh and play and skip through life.
Bloggy friends, I’d love to hear what your favorite thing to do on a girl’s getaway?