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  1. I think that the iPod will generate more interest. I have one and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! You can read books on it AND lots of other stuff!How exciting!! ~Susan

  2. I was going to vote kindle but I see everyone is voting for the ipod. Either will be great Kari! Cant wait to hear all about your trip! with love, Karen Wistrom

  3. As a former English teacher I vote for the Kindle. I really want one. Just thinking about never being without something to read is thrilling. Now that I have exposed my inner dork, I think that the Ipod will bring in more ticket sales. So, drop the kindle in the mail to me and raffle off the ipod.

  4. Hi, I'm a Minnesota Momma to 4 children, soon to be more… We are on the new journey of international adoption from Ethiopia – Yeah!I too vote IPOD… Can't wait for the raffle to begin. Many blessings to you for your upcoming trip to Haiti & everyday… Have Fun!Becky

  5. Silly question!! The iPod, OF COURSE!! LOL :)And for those of you that never wnat to be w/o something to read, you can load books on the iPod! For 99 cents I downlaoded an app for my iPod touch that has all of Jane Austen's books in it. How cool is that?! And I can comment on your blog, Kari, from it & facebook & everything. But you know I'm just being half serious…pick whichever one you think would be best, Kari Girl! Love you!!! Cali

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