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  1. I remember your trip to Ethiopia and the uncertainty and mixed emotions that Kari shared with the AWAA families who were so closely following your journey. I remember thinking that I couldn't imagine being in your shoes but one day I was. We lost our ET baby girl only 4 days after her adoption was finalized – we were to travel the very next weekend to bring her home. Our next referral couldn't bring heartache again – surely! We were wrong. (Must continue in a new comment – too long to post)

  2. Our baby almost died twice before we could get to her and then we arrived in-country only to find her sick but we didn't know at that time that she was actually in congestive heart failure and death was looming above her head. Maura came home with us only to find her new home in Vanderbilt cardiac care unit. Death was all around us but God prevailed. My husband and I actually discussed Zoe and your family's journey during this trying time. So you see, God used your heartache and trials to give us strength to keep fighting and loving and like Zoe, Maura now has a family who fought the court system, the Embassy, doctors, etc. to give her a chance at life. Your family brought hope to those of us who followed along behind you! Thank you for sharing your family!

    1. Erica, thank you for your kind comment. I'm so glad that Zoie story was able to be an encouragement to you and your hubby. I love the way God takes our negatives and turns them into a positive. He is an Awesome God!

  3. Okay, I'm tearing up reading this! Roger, you mind me of my amazing hubby Joel, who has also had to "Man Up" for the sake of our family on several occasions, not the least of which is our current adoption (also, QUITE inconvenient!). Thank you for sharing your heart and your struggle with such candor. May it bring courage to many.

    1. Thank you. My main objective for the post was to validate the feeling that a lot of men have of adoption and that is the "inconvenience" that the adoption process presents to our lives. But regardless we need to Man Up as Christ calls us to. I'm glad Joel knows how to Man Up!

  4. This made me cry and it made me so so so thankful for my incredible husband, Simon, who has so Manned Up to help bring our little girl home from Ethiopia as well. We are seemingly stuck right now in between her being in Ethiopia and getting her home to us…but instead of just throwing up his arms and retreating, he is pressing in in deep spiritual intercession, warring for our little girl in the Spirit. Believing with all his might that God will bring her home!!! But not without him fighting for her. I'm so glad Simon will be leading this trip with you Roger. So proud of you both and so proud to know you both and to know that we get to send out this team to the fatherless…I am honored.

    1. Hey Ann Terese, I will be out at your church May 12. Hopefully, I will get to see you and BB. It has been a long time.

  5. Thanks for sharing this, Roger!! I found it encouraging and inspiring as we go through our adoption process. I shared your story on my blog today!

  6. Hubby, thank you for FINALLY sharing your story on my blog!! God wrecked your life and watching Him build a love for missions and caring for orphans has changed my life too! I know God will continue using your story to encourage other men and women to Man Up 4 orphans!!
    Love you!!

  7. Roger,

    Great story. My wife and I are in the process of adopting and it's certainly not easy. I've had all those thoughts that you had about the inconvenience this whole process is, and the financial burden, and the government issues… and on and on.

    But at the same time, I know I have a son that is waiting for me to take him home. To give him all the love that we've been storing for him.

    In the end, I know it'll be worth it, but for now, gee whiz 🙂

    Thanks for the encouragement!

  8. Roger,
    I just got back yesterday from Visiting Orphans Ordinary Hero Team two to Ethiopia. My hubby REALLY wants to go. He was just laid off and this is probably the only time he’d be able to go. We LOVE your ministry and your heart for orphans and the poor. Is it possible to get a passport in a couple of days? We would need to fundraise but with God all things are possible. We are prayerfully considering moving to ETHIOPIA. My husband Huatzin wants to see how it is first hand. Please contact us at Thank you. Alida & Huatzin

  9. I just saw that there are place where you can get your passport the same day. Please pray God’s will and funding in my husband. It would have to be totally supernatural. We’d need funding ASAP! He is really interested. In Christ, Alida w5

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