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  1. Thanks for sharing the story and for not giving up on her! You had no expectations of love in return, yet you continued to love her despite her response…just like our Heavenly Father.

    1. Sue, thank you! I loved that he didn’t take the rejection as an excuse to walk away! He worked so hard with her every day & was challenged to show her a daddy’s love! What an honor!

    1. Sonia, this little girl rocked our hearts! She is truly a miracle! Thank you for stopping by & good luck on winning the book!

  2. Roger, you are an amazing godly father who loves big without expectation! Thank you for your example and for sharing your story!

    1. Ok Valarie that made me *sniff* I still can’t believe the boy I met at 12 grew up to be such a gifted daddy! I’m constantly amazed! God has taught us soooo much about saying YES in our mess! Parenting is hard & rewarding! Love you

  3. • Claudia update:
    Kari, What a great blog post by Roger. Thank him for us. We appreciate him sharing–even though I am in such a mess of tears right now! I did hear her cry the first day that we were at the orphanage on the missions trip the end of March last year, a sound that I had never heard before that broke my heart. I just didn’t see her crying, I only heard her from another room. I have never heard it since, thank Jesus.
    It just amazes me how different she is because of the magnitude of the love that you both shared with her and our gratitude for you both for helping her. Because of your LOVING BIG, Claudia now snuggles up with her daddy, hugs and kisses him, plays and runs to him like all our other children have done. She also will go to other men now, like a friend of ours. He is bald and Claudia loves to rub his head…so adorable! God is restoring her amazingly and unbelievably!
    Claudia did accept her big brother very well in the beginning and I believe that it was because he is a teenager. We skyped her daddy a lot that first week before he came for the first visit while we were fostering her, but I was amazed at how she did kiss and hug him the first time they met…I am at utter amazement now from hearing Roger’s testimony. The power of the love of Jesus that Roger shared with her. All the time that he invested in her–we are so grateful!
    She speaks all English, I tried and continue to say Spanish words to her but she doesn’t want to speak Spanish. Even while we were still in Nicaragua, she began not answering others back when spoken to in Spanish–she would just smile and say nothing. She is so smart and she has quite the English vocabulary. You wouldn’t even believe that she didn’t grow up knowing English and she is picking up some southern accent as well. It is adorable on her and especially with her sweet voice! She knows her colors, numbers to 12 and some shapes.
    Claudia sings all the time, she also loves listening to me read, loves playing with play dough, coloring and paints all the time. Her favorite thing is to ride her plasma car and swim so we are so glad that the weather is getting warmer. The cold did not bother her as you saw the snow pictures, but swimming season is beginning. She is so brave, not afraid of ANYTHING, including the rides at the amusement park. She doesn’t have any problems with crowds or stores so we take her everywhere.
    We made it to the beach in Nicaragua only once and Claudia had a blast!!! We have our annual beach trip to the panhandle of FL in a couple of weeks so we are all so excited for her to enjoy the beach again. She will also have her own private pool while there. She is going to love it.
    It is just so hard to imagine now that she is the same girl. Claudia says hello to you all!!! She remembers and loves her Aunti Kiki and Uncle Roger!
    Glory to God for His amazing love and for His servants who go where He leads and love unconditionally and unselfishly. Kari and Roger, you are such an example to us all! Thank you and God bless you!

    1. This HAS to be my favorite comment of ALL time! Thank you for taking the time to share “Claudia’s” update! Sooooo many prayed her into your family! I still can’t look at her photos then & now without tears of Joy! Thank you for allowing us to stay connected! She will always have a place in our hearts!❤️

    2. Robin –
      WOW! Praise God! You don’t know how much I prayed for Claudia to get healthy, have an awesome daddy and family. Were all in this together as the body of Christ. Claudia’s story is definitely one that reflects on how unbelievably blessed we ALL are to be adopted by our Heavenly Father.
      Thank you for the great update and may God continue to pour His grace and favor upon your family.
      Uncle Rog

    1. Randi .. I’m SO excited to post his new series! I love sitting together at night & writing & editing together! Haha & watching our favorite TV shows! Now that’s multitasking!

      1. Alexie, you are the blessed winner today!!!!!!!!!!! Your name was randomly selected and you won!!!! Congratulations and I hope everyone stops back here tomorrow for the 3rd book giveaway! You can enter 1x a day! I’m so excited to be able to give away 5 copies this week! I personally bought 4 Rhinestone Jesus books to give them away to my blog readers! You all are a gift to me! And… I love you! xoxo

  4. Just Pinned this blog post!!! Saying yes in the mess today as we, in the south, say yes and trust in Jesus to protect us from these powerful, dangerous storms!

    1. Thank you for pinning! I’m still learning how to do that! We are driving right into the storm to speak at CAFO2014 in Chicago!

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