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  1. Oh, I would love to read this book, but if I were the lucky winner I would give it to my awesome mom who says “yes in the mess” every single day while loving, serving, and raising my two adopted sisters and my special needs twin sister alongside my sweet daddy!

    1. Rachel, your mom definitely said YES in her mess! What an example she has been to generations to come on what it looks like to change the world saying yes. Thank you for sharing & good luck! You can enter the giveaway everyday this week!

  2. My daughter is going to Kenya for 6 weeks this June. I would love to read this and pass it along to her. Love your blog! Thank you for inspiring.

  3. I have loved following Kristen’s journey for the last few years and am so excited to read her book! Would love to win! πŸ™‚

  4. I have already ordered a copy of this book, but I have sweet friend that I would love to pass along this free copy to!

  5. I would love to read this book! We are in process of adopting a baby and with so many “unknowns” it is awesome to KNOW that God KNOWS!

    1. Clarissa, you are the blessed winner today!!!!!!!!!!! Your name was randomly selected and you won!!!! Congratulations and I hope everyone stops back here tomorrow for the 2nd book giveaway! You can enter 1x a day! I’m so excited to be able to give away 5 copies this week! I personally bought 4 Rhinestone Jesus books to give them away to my blog readers! You all are a gift to me! And… I love you! xoxo

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