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  1. Love reading the day by day of your trip. Yes, I'm going to lead a trip to Ethiopia in January and yes, I'm nervous for all the reasons that you just stated in that post:)

  2. Yup, I would lead a team, but I would also be scared to death. I've been on so many trips: Ghana, India, Nepal etc….but never a leader. What a privilege you had! And what a privilege that group had by having you as their leader! I would count it an honor to have you be my leader. xoxo

  3. Kari – yep…. I guess I would lead. I leave on dec. 27. Scared? Uh… yeah. Willing? If it makes Him famous – ABSOLOUTELY WILLING!

    I wrestled with God for about a week and a half before committing to it – I had so many excuses why i WASN'T the one for this – He finally slapped me around and said "Tymm – it has NOTHING to do with you and EVERYTHING to do with Me."

    Looking forward to it with excitement and trepidation!

    (p.s. – got your email – gonna call you sometime soon to pick your brain!! Thanks for being so willing to help!)

  4. I've never even been on a mission trip yet, but I am ready to go with VO next year and I couldn't be more excited.

    If you would have asked that question six months ago I would have most likely said NO WAY, but my heart has been changing and I feel God just pulling at me to get uncomfortable, get scared to death and GO GO GO!

    I really hope you will be my fearless leader on my trip next year. Still haven't decided which one it will be.

    You're awesome Kari, love love love ya!

  5. First of all, I am so excited to be joining you in June! I lead a team to Nicaragua this past June. It was by the craziest thing God has ever asked me to do, but I am SO glad I did! Can't wait to get to know you more!

  6. Kari – Your posts inspire me. I'm just crazy enough to say "YES" I'd lead a mission trip – even though I've never left the US. In 2006, God began calling me to be more aware of the needs in our world and I am so looking forward to the day when I can go (or even lead) a mission trip. Yes, I'm scared. Yes, I'm hesitant. But, Yes, I'd lead. I would love to go with your team in 2011.

  7. Kari, you are an amazing team leader. God did so many amazing things and we had so much fun. I am still praying about next year. The only difficulty is being able to manage my time off. Would I consider leading a trip … absolutely … scared to death … absolutely. I look forward to reading all the installments. God bless!

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