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  1. I have that book, but have yet to read it.This is reality for millions of children. I really don't think our spirit can fully comprehend that number!That's why adoption is so powerful and necessary-It faces the child and that huge number-One at a time!

  2. That book is amazing. I'm praying ti will change the hearts of those who have the room for one (or two or three) more!

  3. Thanks for sharing Kari, I just ordered the book. I just finished reading Fields of the Fatherless and Scared. I want to go back to Ethiopia so bad.

  4. i can't wait to read that book! thank you so much for posting this! that sweet girl is our mercy in a couple of years.

  5. About half way through the book, and even as a mom who obviously has a heart for adoption I have been so stirred, moved, and convicted by this book. He does a great job of laying a case for adoption as a call to the church at large. Thanks for sharing! (Also as one just entering the adoption journey, I have enjoyed your blog and found it to be helpful- Thanks) Laura

  6. What a powerful quote!! I'll have to put this book on my list. Jill sent me her book list (I'm always on the prowl) and I read 'Its not okay with me' two weeks ago. I couldn't put it down and couldn't bear to read anymore at the same time. It was a HUGE reality check and reminder. I've yet to post about the book, hard to process what she's written. Thanks for the recommendation~apryl

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