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  1. A poppy dip day for me is sleeping past 6:00 and waking up to Diesel whispering "mama, mama" into the baby monitor. I love it! – katy shatto side note: I don't have a girl to wear a poppy dip dress, but someday soon I will.

  2. My poppy dip today is knowing that so many support us. Wow! I just never expected God to supply us with so much love. Isn't He good!!!!!

  3. My poppy dip today is knowing that God is in control of our adoption (from Taiwan) and being able to rest in that fact. It will happen in His timeframe!

  4. I feel Poppy Dip knowing that my husband and I can work through anything – because we're committed to each other, our marriage, our family, and most importantly God.

  5. That last night we add two brothers to our family….two boys accepted Christ last night at VBS!! Life is sweet!

  6. My poppy dip day is having a coffee ceremony (pretend) with my kids. Caden loves to pour that coffee. He is so sweet!!

  7. Sitting in the sun and watching my 4 little ones play in the pool for two hours this morning is a poppy dip day!

  8. My poppy dip for this week is being at the top of the wait list for our princess from India and getting to see my neice this week,most of all having Jesus,Gidget

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