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  1. Oh Kari,

    the joy of parenthood. I have to say that Jo is testing my limits. It has been hard last three weeks in our household. I will be praying for our girls and their tantrums:) and ours too!!!

    love, Lenka

    1. Lenka, its such a challenge to tame the tantrums. I can't wait to hear what other moms/dads share:) I am always a student of terrible tantrums!! What is something you are doing to help Jo deal with temper? Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. My only thoughts about temper tantrums, as we have them i our house is ignore and the SECOND it stops hugs and kisses and calm. Basically, I have to stay calm and not ring anyone's neck, which can be tough. I like your tools!

  3. I am also a fan of walking away from the tantrum. It was pretty funny to watch Zion when he would get mad and throw a tantrum…I would calmly walk to the next room, and he would stop crying, follow me into the room quietly, then as soon as he knew I was watching – would start the tantrum again. The parade through the house would continue until he forgot what the tantrum was about. Then we would get back to playtime.

    Of course, my big 8 year old rarely has tantrums now. He is all smiles (0:

  4. Just ran across your blog and love it! We have been home 8 months with our son and he does these same exact tantrums. The one in the middle of Target yesterday was my first experience with a tantrum in public!

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