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  1. LOVE those darling pictures of sweet Zoie – she is the cutest!!

    The Mister and I had a great "bonding" moment just last night. Wouldn't you know it, the week he's out of town I find a MOUSE IN OUR HOUSE! The first ever. So I bucked up and set some traps, and for two whole nights…nothing! He proceeded to tell me I had done it wrong and I had put the traps in the wrong place and take it from him because he knows that where I put them the mouse will just stop and turn around and yadda yadda. Ugh! (And just for the record, I moved the traps to where he said, and still NO MOUSE!)

  2. I'm with Nina! You guys argue?? LOL…


    Sherrie xoxo

    P.S. I love your 147 million orphans T- Shirt!! Your such a faithful billboard!!

  3. Mr. Awesome!!! HA! I am SO using that on Frank! ( And I have totally done that with the stroller/cell phone!)

    All those babies are ADORABLE!!!!

    There's a girl wearinga tshirt that has a pretty blue Africa on it, WHERE did she get that shirt?!?!

  4. Kari – I can't believe how big Zoie looks! Just like that, no longer a baby and she has become a beautiful toddler. She looks so happy and joyful – as do all of you! Blessings to you and your family – Karen Wistrom

  5. Kari, Zoe's HUGE! I can't believe how beautiful she is and her hair is precious!!! awww, it melts my heart to see new pics of her. I'm dying to hear the results of the giveaway! I'm counting down the days!

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