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  1. i am so turning my computer off after this, but i had to pop over … love that you stalked the Oatsvall Team shirt !!! The book CRAZY LOVE wrecked my life in such an amazing way … It made fear obsolete in raising the funds for yet another adoption, it gave us the courage to step and out enjoy another journey to children God ordained at the beginning of time to be ours, it made me bolder w/ people when they ask questions … it has done so much to help me see the TRUTH of scripture and WALK BOLDLY …have a blessed week sister !!!!

  2. Hey! I just read Crazy Love and LOVED it too! I guess I am still in the process of digesting it all and asking the Lord, what do you want me to do with all of this info swirling around in my head…I know He just longs for me to sit down with Him, alone, and then He will make something out of that swirl. I see in the post above that you told Gwen about us meeting at kamp because of my tshirt. It is a small world but once you are in the adoption world it is a tight, loving, passionate group. A lady at Lamberts inquired if I supported orphans in Africa because of my African beads I had on my wrist. Of course that lead to a great conversation and immediate friend! Hope all is well. I sent ya an email too! Tracy Jones

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