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  1. Thank you kari for this beautiful post about Wiskindly. What his uncle failed to realize was that Wiskindly was not destined to be a slave, he is a child of the Most High King!!

    1.  Jennifer, I will never forget my time with Wiskindly. He was my treasure for the week in Haiti. What a joy that I could rock him to sleep in the rocking chair every night and snuggle and pray over him. Please let him know how much I miss him and can’t wait to come back to visit soon!! Love you!!

  2. Kari,
    Thanks for the post.  You didn’t mention 3 of the best young men in the world, Davenel, Wannel, and Wisley!!!  Pastor Vic Borden, Red Bridge Baptist Church, Kansas City, MO

    1. I can’t wait to share more about Haiti Home of Hope this week and share stories of the 3 AMAZING boys making a difference … and they’re only teenagers!!! I agree- they are 3 of the best young men in the world!!! We love HHH!!! Thank you for stopping by here and saying hi to Mama Kiki 🙂

  3. How is Wiskindly? is he doing fine? Just wondering why is this master slave still do exist, why not just help those people around you..well sorry about that I was carried away God Bless! always!

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