Simply Sunday + Dangerous Surrender
One of my very favorite new books is, Dangerous Surrender. It will capture your heart from page 1… Kay’s passion and love for orphans is contagious. “Giving in to God isn’t easy. It’s not for cowards. It’s the boldest, riskiest step you’ll ever take. This dangerous surrender can bring both joy and pain, both heartache and ecstasy, but it enables you to know God in a far deeper way than ever before.”
“Father, you are disturbed by the misery you witness every day. None of it escapes your notice, but honestly, a lot of it escapes mine. Forgive me for my complacency, my apathy, my ignorance. Help me to see the world through your eyes. I’m scared to surrender all to you; I’m not entirely sure I can trust you with what matters most to me. But I want to know you; I want to love like you love, and hurt the way you hurt. I want to live the adventure of risking it all for you. I am saying yes to you right now, no matter what that yes entails. God is longing to seriously disturb you about is world. He’s searching for men and women, students, young people and old people, people of every race and from every tribe, who will recklessly abandon themselves to him and surrender to his purposes. Fear nothing on the road you are walking. God will lead you by the hand. Let your love for Him cast out the fear you feel for yourself.” (Kay Warren, Dangerous Surrender)
Adoption is an Adventure!
Kari, Pete and I are alum of InterVarsity, and we've been to a number of the Urbana missions conventions. At Urbana '96, we heard the call to adopt cross-culturally. We volunteered at Urbana 2000, took 2003 off to have Aidan, and then we were back at Urbana '06. That's where God whispered, no shouted, to us about the need in Africa. Kay Warren gave her testimony there:…. You can hear it and see it. There's lots of other great talks online from that conference if you want to check it out.
Miss you, friend!!
Hi Kari, It sounds like a great book. Thanks for sharing. I'm so sad that Roger cannot make the ET trip! I hope there will be many more trips for all of us to go on.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
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