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  1. What a gift indeed. We got a pic of Eyasu coming into Gladney care last while in country and it is priceless. Heartbreaking but so thankful to have one more piece.


  2. Kari, What a blessing!!! I haven't left many comments lately but I've been here reading 🙂 I need to hang with girlfriends!! Let's do lunch soon 🙂

    Love Kim

  3. What a precious little photo that you can treasure for life. Imagine showing her this when she is older and telling her the story of how God had it all worked out for her:) It makes me cry thinking about it. xoxo, Tammy

  4. Beautiful, Kari!! What a precious gift this photo is for you– and for Zoie! I was in Kids Care Oprphanage one year ago and remember the room with the tiny babies very well. I wanted to take a few home with me! Blessings to you and your dear family!

    xoxo Diane

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