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  1. Beautifully said. My first mission trip was this past summer and God has rocked my world. I didn’t know what I was asking when I asked Him to break my heart for what breaks His. Korah was life-changing. Rwanda was life-changing. I’m sold out for how these short-term missions impact not only a sleepy and apathetic heart but how they have the chance to plug so many people into ministries. BTW, you were an amazing help in Korah.

  2. Thank you for your inspirational words! This past year I chose to sponsor two children from Uganda. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. My next step is to meet them in the near future! 🙂

  3. I would have to say that paying for a trip is the biggest barricade…..but I know God could change all that in a blink–if he wanted. Second, would be that I am a momma at home too and would need the support of all here to go on a trip. But, my wish has been to do just that. My secret wish for the year. So we shall see. Enjoying your posts.

  4. Kari! This is amazing! I have seen God do amazing things. Missions is my passion. I am planning on going back to china next summer. But I continue to get worried about the whopping $4000 it takes to get there. Thank you for your encouragement! I need to stop using this barricade as an excuse for not going. Thank you, Mama Kiki! You’re the best! Love you!

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