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  1. It's amazing how connected God has made so many of us. I don't know Sumer, but she has become a legend in her own time. Wes and I decided to sponsor a child in Korah a couple of months ago, and can't wait to meet him when we pick up our babies! I am constantly overwhelmed with how much God loves these precious ones, and how He gives us the honor of partaking in that love with Him through sponsorship and spending time with these beautiful people! So amazing!!!

    1. My name Is Yohhanes Nurilign Zekarias who have been sponsored by project 61.
      before 13 years ago, summer was just like our mother, I always think about her in my life journey. Now I graduate from Mizan Tepi university in Economics and now I work in Siinqee bank.

    2. If I see her and if she look current position, I would be happy because she is reason to all of positive things. she is special one person for me.


  2. I am truly overwhelmed with ordinary women like Katie, Rebecca, and now Sumer who allow God to do extraordinary things through them. I know they would say that it is not of their own strength – but through HIM alone who uses us for His glory and purpose. May we all learn to be putty in His mighty hands!! Thanks, Kari, for putting all this info out for us to read.

  3. Wow! What and amazing story thank you for sharing it!

    We went through very similar situations (loved our house, had a great American middle class life, etc.) before we came and I also lost parents young and ache for those kids who do not know their Heavenly Father.

    God bless you as you step out in faith! We've been in Addis since July and are ministering in and area called Kolfe. It's an amazing privledge to be "god's hands and feet". May you be blessed in stepping forward in obedience!

    1. My name Is Yohhanes Nurilign Zekarias who have been sponsored by project 61.
      before 13 years ago, summer was just like our mother, I always think about her in my life journey. Now I graduate from Mizan Tepi university in Economics and now I work in Siinqee bank.
      My name Is Yohhanes Nurilign Zekarias who have been sponsored by project 61.
      before 13 years ago, summer was just like our mother, I always think about her in my life journey. Now I graduate from Mizan Tepi university in Economics and now I work in Siinqee bank.
      If I see her and if she look current position, I would be happy because she is reason to all of positive things. she is special one person for me.

  4. HI! I just met Paige in Ethiopia and she was telling me about Sumer and this amazing ministry. Our friends Tim & Jervaun Trier also mentioned them. We are missionaries to Ethiopia about 4 months a year at this time, and are feeling the Lords leading to go to Korah. How could I get in touch with Sumer? Our ministry website is and our email address is

    Thank you!

    In Him,

    Terina Dutton

    1. My name Is Yohhanes Nurilign Zekarias who have been sponsored by project 61.
      before 13 years ago, summer was just like our mother, I always think about her in my life journey. Now I graduate from Mizan Tepi university in Economics and now I work in Siinqee bank.
      If I see her and if she look current position, I would be happy because she is reason to all of positive things. she is special one person for me.

  5. Hi,
    I know you posted this blog several years ago. However, I am trying to find out how to contact Project 61 and Sumer as I am very interested in seeing how I can get involved as well. Do you have a contact email or website for them? Please email me at


    1. My name Is Yohhanes Nurilign Zekarias who have been sponsored by project 61.
      before 13 years ago, summer was just like our mother, I always think about her in my life journey. Now I graduate from Mizan Tepi university in Economics and now I work in Siinqee bank.
      If I see her and if she look current position, I would be happy because she is reason to all of positive things. she is special one person for me.

  6. Your story and adventures sound amazing! I would love to get in contact with you so if you ever see this message or have time please take a minute to email me!!!

    1. My name Is Yohhanes Nurilign Zekarias who have been sponsored by project 61.
      before 13 years ago, summer was just like our mother, I always think about her in my life journey. Now I graduate from Mizan Tepi university in Economics and now I work in Siinqee bank.
      If I see her and if she look current position, I would be happy because she is reason to all of positive things. she is special one person for me.

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